Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Sex Worship: An Exposition of the Origin of Religion
Author: Clifford Howard
Outlines how sex played a role in the evolution of religion from the earliest of times. Reveals why nature and its cycles, including death and rebirth, were so important to the formation of mankind’s beliefs. Sex worship is not studied today, despite the fact that it played such an important part in past beliefs, because our modern culture fails to see it in its earlier, sacred role.
ISBN 1885395981 • 216 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95
Author: Franz Cumont
The main Mithraic religion originated in ancient Hinduism, moved into Persia, found enormous popularity in Europe, and was ultimately destroyed by Christianity. One particular expression, found in this book, originated in the Roman Empire. Before Christianity stamped it out, it had gained strength rapidly and was the main pagan religion of its time. This book puts Christianity and Mithraism side by side in the Roman Empire and reveals exactly how and why Christianity survived and the Mithraism did not. Few can rival Cumont’s knowledge in this area. Covers the principle characteristics of the god Mithra, the rituals, teachings, liturgy, art and more. Illustrated, with index.
ISBN 9781585092833 • 256 pages • Price: $19.95
The Origin and Evolution of Religion
Author: Albert Churchward
Other than Sir James Frazer (The Golden Bough), Churchward is the only person to have written such a monumental work on religion. He encompasses the complete evolution of religious ideas. The first humans from Africa worshipped elemental powers, progressed into ancestor worship, then finally recognized what they called a “Great Spirit.” Covers our earliest mythological stories including resurrections, journeys to the underworld, and the first hero stories. Also explores the true origins and meaning of sun, tree, phallic, and serpent worship. Ends with what we should all take to heart – our religious evolution is definitely not over.
ISBN 1585090786 • 504 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $39.95
Pagan and Christian Creeds
Full Title: Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
Author: Edward Carpenter
Sows where our religious concepts originated and reveals an evolutionary sequence that starts with phallic and procreative cults. Following this came a cult of magic, where spirits and earth divinities were worshipped. Lastly, came the belief in actual God-figures that came down from heaven. Also covers our evolving stages of consciousness and how the most advanced form has been lost and remains so.
Includes an Appendix on the Upanishads which, he says, may give us a glimpse of this advanced stage of consciousness and the mental attitude required.
ISBN 1585090247 • 316 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $24.95
Symbols, Sex and the Stars
Subtitle: An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun Worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic
Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs
Author: Ernest Busenbark
Preface by Jordan Maxwell who says, “This is a must read for those concerned about pagan influence on the modern day Church.”
Answers questions such as:
How did the concept of good and evil develop?
What is the true origin of Easter?
Why is sex such a powerful force in religion?
What religious symbols are really sexual messages?
How are the Great Pyramid and numerology connected?
How did Astrology really start?
Is there a connection between Jesus and Astrology?
Why was prostitution once an important part of religion?
ISBN 9781585093359 • 396 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • $24.95