Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Dongbin Leu
Translator: Richard Wilhelm
The word “secret” appears in many book titles in an effort to create sales, but the reader often finds few secrets inside. This book is a rare exception. There is a powerful secret to be found within these pages. It claims to contain the hidden jewel that both Eastern and Western religions have been seeking for centuries. Religions have lost their focus, having turned their attention away from this mystical process and toward their dogmatic theologies.
The Golden Flower, in terms of this book, is the hidden light within the human body that is the key to spiritual enlightenment. This book reveals how the reader can tap into it using meditative and Taoist Yoga practices. This can result in higher wisdom, spiritual bliss and a complete transformation of consciousness. It includes a Commentary by the legendary psychologist C.G. Jung concerning the differences in consciousness between the East and West, as well as his closing Appendix honoring the memory and accomplishments of the original Translator of this work, Richard Wilhelm.
ISBN 9781585095476 • Size: 6×9 • 174 pages • Price: $31.95

Subtitle: Twelve Lessons to Achieve Peace of Mind
Author: Dr. Frederick Bailes
This is the main Course Book for Science of Mind, which can help one gain a clear understanding of the mind in order to better harness its powers. The author, ran the largest Science of Mind church of his day, so there is no better person to teach these principles. With this course one can understand how problems and difficulties arise and then create a new awareness to effectively remove them, step by step. Also shows how to attract positive events in one’s life. It is powerful inner work that translates into the outer world if one is willing to commit to the twelve lessons.
ISBN: 9781585095896 • 172 pages • Size: 8.25×11 • Price: $36.95
Science of Breath ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
Author: Yogi Ramacharaka
This highly sought after book can allow a true understand of the breath. A power can be generated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana, chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Through extended practice amazing things may be performed including self-healing, healing others, inhibiting pain, controlling blood flow to needed areas, recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water for drinking, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmuting energy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and much more. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that will amaze and invigorate the reader.
ISBN: 9781585095629 • 92 pages • Price: $24.95
SAPIENS RISING ( Hardcover )

Subtitle: The View From 2100
Author: Neil Freer
A visionary work from a futuristic philosopher. Presents in great detail a positive view of the new human and new human society that is coming based on our genetic heritage and the work of Zecharia Sitchin.
Reveals how we will one day live as enlightened humans, having restored the knowledge of our history as a genetically created species — part Homo erectus and part Anunnaki/Nefilim. Accepting and integrating this proven knowledge will allow us to experience planetary peace and meet the conditions for matriculation into stellar society.
The author claims this book has reached the Obamas, M. Gorbachev, John Petersen of Arlington Institute, the Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict, Presidents Clinton & Carter, Charlie Rose, and Bill Moyers, among others.
ISBN 97815850953531 • 198 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95
RAJA YOGA ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Conquering the Internal Nature
Author: Swami Vivekananda
The definitive text on the transforming power of yoga. Swami Vivekananda was recognized as an enlightened master. The spiritual aspects of yoga are entirely covered, along with the eight stages used, and the correct approach to general and advanced meditation practices. Other subjects include discipleship, reincarnation, concentration, and powers of the mind. The first half of the book is a guidebook, while the second half contains the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. These sutras are valued by yoga practitioners and others because of the great wisdom they share. Was written from a practical perspective, meaning the author has experienced these things and shares his methods, rather than having researched and written it from an academic view.
ISBN 9781585095445 • 248 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $34.95