Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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THE WORLD AS I SEE IT ( Hardcover )
Author: Albert Einstein
The most advanced and celebrated mind of the 20th Century. Instead of advanced mathematical theories and hard science, which often go far beyond the minds of average people, this book allows us to meet him as a person. Allows us to explore his beliefs, philosophical ideas, and opinions on many subjects so we can walk away knowing and understanding one of the world’s greatest intellectual giants. Covers politics, religion, education, the meaning of life, Jewish issues, the world economy, peace and pacifism. You don’t need an advanced degree in math or physics to appreciate the genius of Einstein, shared so clearly by him in this book.
ISBN 9781585095599 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 128 pages • Price: $28.95
Stolen Legacy ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: How the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt was Transformed into Greek Philosophy
Author: George James
James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. He was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized a mistake was made by Western scholars. James found that philosophy began almost entirely in ancient Egypt, not with the Greeks, and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. He concluded there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians.
Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but medicine, architecture, politics and more. This book, one of the first to be banned from US colleges, is meant to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.
ISBN 9781585095865 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95
What is Man?
Author: Mark Twain
This was Twain’s most serious, philosophical and private book. He kept it locked in his desk and referred to it as his Bible when he read passages to friends.
He had written it, rewritten it, was finally satisfied with it, but still chose not to release it until after his death. It appears in the form of a dialogue between an old man and a young man who discuss who and what mankind really is. Shows a new way of looking at who we are and the way we live. Reveals Twain as a brilliant philosopher.
ISBN 9781585093007 • 116 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95
The Idea of the Holy

Author: Rudolf Otto
Translation: John W Harvey
This book is considered a classic in the field of religious philosophy. Its timeless message explores the idea of what we mean by what is holy and what is God. It was Otto who coined the term “numinous” in this book by attempting to define the first-hand experience of our deepest, non-rational moments of awe in the presence of God. When one has a direct confrontation with transcendent powers, it creates a starting point for the numinous experience. Otto presents all of the different ways in which one may experience the numinous.
The book is primarily grounded in philosophy and Christian theology, but presents the same general framework in other religions, as well. Many consider this work to be challenging, primarily because it succeeds in defining something that is beyond words. For this, the world is grateful–and has therefore made Otto’s book accessible throughout the years to those who hunger for its powerful and mysterious message.
ISBN 9781585093793 • 256 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $18.95
The Prince
Author: Niccolo Machiavelli
He was an Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist who wrote this book around 1513. In 1512 the Medici’s came to power and he lost his post in Florence.
He wrote this in a possible effort to win them over and get back into politics. It is now the world’s most wellknown political book, considered the first written on modern political philosophy, where effective truth is more important than abstract ideals. Therefore, immoral means are acceptable if used to achieve the aims of princes and politicians.
This may have been necessary at the time, but people like Diderot and Jean-Jacques Rousseau considered The Prince to be more of a satire. Whatever its purpose, it is one of the most brilliant books ever written.
ISBN 9781585093496 • 116 pages • Price: $12.95