Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Perpetual Peace
Author: Immanuel Kant
Before we can eliminate war, we should know exactly what it is and why we engage in it. Kant does a brilliant job in revealing this, along with the actions we should take. Mankind has been at war with one another since the beginning of time and has continually experienced its heartache and devastation. The vicious pattern will continue until we find a way to satisfy ourselves without the “benefit” of drenching our hands in blood. This is the challenge addressed in this work. It could contribute much toward peace if those with the ability to effect change should listen and act upon his ideas. Legislation is proposed within this book, including articles of law, for the world to consider.
Billions are spent on war every day, so this book is meant for world leaders and those working for peace.
ISBN 9781585093199 • 80 pages • Price: $10.95
Stolen Legacy
Subtitle: How the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt was Transformed into Greek Philosophy
Author: George James
James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. He was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized a mistake was made by Western scholars. James found that philosophy began almost entirely in ancient Egypt, not with the Greeks, and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. He concluded there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians.
Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but medicine, architecture, politics and more. This book, one of the first to be banned from US colleges, is meant to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.
ISBN 9781585093489 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16.95
Light of Emerson

Subtitle: The Cream of All He Wrote
Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson and H. H. Emmons
The Introduction to this book, which is considered his best collection of works ever, calls him “the American Confucius.” Other compilations exist, but this is the only one that includes an Index by Subject, found at the beginning. This is also the way the information appears in the book. A more detailed 30 page Index appears in the back, referred to as a Key-Word Concordance, so that anyone wishing to find a certain subject can go straight to it. This is a must book for anyone seeking knowledge on a variety of important subjects or in finding the definitive “best works” version of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
ISBN 9781585093441 • Size: 6×9 • 340 pages • Price: $24.95
Author: Albert Einstein
The most advanced and celebrated mind of the 20th Century. Instead of advanced mathematical theories and hard science, which often go far beyond the minds of average people, this book allows us to meet him as a person. Allows us to explore his beliefs, philosophical ideas, and opinions on many subjects so we can walk away knowing and understanding one of the world’s greatest intellectual giants. Covers politics, religion, education, the meaning of life, Jewish issues, the world economy, peace and pacifism. You don’t need an advanced degree in math or physics to appreciate the genius of Einstein, shared so clearly by him in this book.
ISBN 9781585092871 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 128 pages • Price: $12.95
How We Think
Author: John Dewey
Shows how to understand your thoughts and increase your mind power through scientific means. Dewey was a brilliant philosopher who took a scientific approach to intellectual development. Reveals how education is affected by numerous distractions and how his approach can overcome it. Scientific learning is based on the natural workings of a young mind and its tendencies toward experimentation, curiosity and imagination. Sections cover 1) what thought really is, 2) the logical process of thought and 3) the actual training of thought. With this book you can break free from set learning patterns and help others make significant breakthroughs.
ISBN 9781585093427 • Size: 6×9 • 232 pages • Price: $19.95