Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Vril or Vital Magnetism
Subtitle: Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece
Author: Vril
Introduction: Paul Tice.
Vril is another name for the life energy of the body, known in other cultures worldwide as mana, prana, chi, or vital force. Most of the ancient cultures of the world were aware of this important force and worked to make use of it.
In today’s world, especially in the West, we move along through life completely oblivious to this truly vital force. Although this force cannot be seen, it is the life force within our bodies. It takes energy from food and provides muscles with energy, which in turn allows us to move about in daily life as well as grow and metabolize. Nourishment, digestion, and elimination are all driven by the life force.
ISBN: 1585090301 • 124 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95
How to Develop Personal Magnetism and Healing Powers

Author: Anonymous
Foreword: Paul Tice
We have all met a person in the past who has what is called a magnetic personality. They seem to attract attention and good fortune wherever they go. What do they have that we don’t? This book answers this question and proceeds to instruct us on how to cultivate this force and harness magnetic energies. Personal magnetism attracts interest, confidence, friendship and the love of others.
Part Two of the book shows how we can use these same energies as a benefit toward others, through magnetic healing.
ISBN: 1585090832 • 108 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Author: A. E. Powell
According to esoteric teachings we have an energy body of lighter material that is connected to our physical bodies. Those who can see it call it the aura and can sometimes tell the state of a person’s health by the way it appears. Those who use its energy refer to it as prana, chi, vital force, orgone or other names. There are seven chakras, or energy points, where this energy collects in the etheric body. Working with these chakras and spiritual energies can play a big part in the psychic development and enlightenment of those sensitive enough to work on these levels. This book shows you how.
ISBN: 9781585093045 • 152 pages • Price: $14.95
Secrets Revealed

Subtitle: Clairvoyance, Magic and the Reality of Spirits
Author: C. W. Leadbeater
Introduction: Paul Tice
This book is composed of a rare collection of lectures never before published in a volume by itself. Leadbeater was an extremely prolific and respected writer on psychic development and was once a spiritual teacher at the renowned Theosophical Society. This is Leadbeater’s “lost book,” now found. We gave it this title, “Secrets Revealed”, because it is a collection of amazing information and stories on mind power, magic and ghostly apparitions. Those who have spent years delving into these subjects will often wonder why they have never seen or heard of this information before.
ISBN: 1585092177 • 120 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
THE SOLAR PLEXUS or Abdominal Brain

Author: Theron Q. Dumont
The solar plexus is our emotional center and an extremely powerful psychic center if you know how to use it. Instructions are given to help you control psychic abilities and human magnetism. Using it correctly can also allow you to master emotions and improve physical health.
64 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • booklet • Price: $7.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.