Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Book of the Damned

Author: Charles Fort
Time travel, UFOs, mysterious planets, stigmata, rock-throwing poltergeists, huge footprints, bizarre rains of fish and frogs – nearly a century after this book was published the strange phenomenon presented in it remains largely unexplained by modern science.
Through painstaking research and a witty, sarcastic style, Fort captures the imagination while exposing the flaws of popular scientific explanations. All of this material was compiled from reputable journals, newspapers and periodicals because he was an avid collector. This was the first in a series of books on unexplained events and to this day remains the most popular. If you agree that truth is often stranger than fiction, then this book is for you.
ISBN 9781585092789 • 228 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95
Phenomenal World
Subtitle: Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, Apparitions, Extraterrestrials, Lucid Dreams and Other forms of Intelligent Contact in the Magical Kingdom of Mind-At-Large,
Author: Joan d’Arc
For centuries mankind has been exploring the nature of reality. The materialistic scientific worldview would have us believe that physically measurable phenomena are all that exist. Yet the answers to the key of reality go far beyond this mindset. This book explores the clues we have about the nature of reality, especially those aspects that cannot yet be proven. If we can understand the most baffling aspects of reality, then we will move closer toward understanding its ultimate cause and nature.
ISBN 1585091286 • 211 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95