Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Subtitle: : Survival After Death Scientifically Explained
Author: Arthur Findlay
Verifies the afterlife almost as well as going there. If you have ever wondered what will happen after death, then this is the book to get. Good for skeptics – presents the most compelling evidence ever found. Shows how fraud, trickery or coincidence could not possibly explain this evidence – leaving you with the reality of the phenomena.
The book opens with over 70 positive quotes and reviews from the English press, attesting to the author’s proof. This book may not prove conclusively that an after life exists because it cannot take you there and bring you back. Short of this, however, it makes the idea highly probable.
ISBN 9781585095469 • Size: 6×9 • 228 pages • Price: $34.95
The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers, and Phenomena ( Hardcover )
Author: Swami Panchadasi
A great classic that covers all aspects of the astral world. Reveals much that is missing from the traditional western perspective. Great for both beginners and serious seekers, as it moves gradually from simple to advanced topics within the span of 100 pages. The author went there and returned, providing a useful map in the form of this book. The reader can follow the map and attempt astral travel, or simply read the book for a rewarding experience.
ISBN 9781585095131,
Price: $25.95
The Threshold of the Spiritual World

Author: Rudolf Steiner
Is there another world beyond this physical reality? Steiner says there is.
This book describes what it’s like to reach the threshold of the spiritual world and begin to experience it. Some of us have had glimpses of it. Steiner reveals how these glimpses come about and what we can do to hold onto them longer – and even control them. He shows us the threshold and how it can be crossed.
ISBN: 1585092096 • 108 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95

Subtitle: Six Lectures
Author: Rudolf Steiner
These six lectures, collected in one volume, may be the best overview ever written on what karma is and how it works. In the first lecture, Steiner presents the various universal laws that exist, so one may gain an understanding of how karma fits in and relates to them. Once the reader is prepared for an explanation of human destiny and our place in creation, lecture two moves forward and covers this nicely.
The third lecture shows how our use of freedom works with karma, plus where we go between lives and what that is like.
The fourth lecture reveals how karma appears and develops in one’s life. It covers how we come into this world prepared to use it, including the fact that we have, hidden within us, a karmic impulse that may direct our future path.
Talk five covers the inner influences we have that effect karma, both mental and physical in nature, and how people often fail to understand how cause and effect works on the inner levels.
The final lecture outlines the essential nature of the human being in great detail. It presents a three-fold hierarchy using conscious and unconscious elements, which explains how karma is experienced, generated and used. This book is a must for anyone who wants to gain a complete understanding of karma and how it works.
ISBN: 978-1-58509-3939 • 94 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $11.95
The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers, and Phenomena
Author: Swami Panchadasi
A great classic that covers all aspects of the astral world. Reveals much that is missing from the traditional western perspective. Great for both beginners and serious seekers, as it moves gradually from simple to advanced topics within the span of 100 pages. The author went there and returned, providing a useful map in the form of this book. The reader can follow the map and attempt astral travel, or simply read the book for a rewarding experience.
ISBN 1585090719 • 104 pages • Size: 6×9 • Pricing: $11.95