Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge

Author: Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Alvin Boyd Kuhn was one of the most insightful and controversial writers to have ever lived. His works have been praised as some of the greatest written in the 20th Century, but other devout authorities have vilified him. The main thrust of his work is showing how the origins of religious thought and our connections to God are found in the ancient past more accurately than today. He asserts that our deeper consciousness has always been the key to understanding our place in the world. The great sages and teachers never intended for the Bible and other religious texts to be read in a literal manner. The real message was always transmitted in parable and allegory, found at deeper and more meaningful levels for those who could comprehend. We can, for example, observe the physical world without viewing the hidden mechanisms of nature. Understanding our place in the world requires a deeper look, beyond physical appearances. Our holy books were often written under this model, with great truths veiled within simple events. Modern religion, including the Bible, blocks this path by interpreting and teaching only what’s on the surface, resulting in what the author calls the “unconscionable stultification” of our ability to perceive and use divine truths. According to Kuhn, holy writ has no basis for interpretation along historical lines. We must discover our selves within the inner world, not the outer. This book, his final great work before passing away, attempts to clear a path for mankind toward divine truth.
ISBN 9781585094639 • 240 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95

Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: An In-Depth Study of the Nephilim
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
Written records of the ancient world excavated from the Near East to the western shores of ancient South America are filled with obscure references to a race of giants. Most biblical scholars are unaware of or choose to ignore the over 80 references to giants found in the books of the Old Testament. In the same way, historians have overlooked the hundreds of references to gigantic people mentioned by ancient chronographers. Despite this fact, the greatest common denominator in the pages of the world’s oldest epic texts concerns giants. Enormous humanoid skeletons have been unearthed in the past—and today, huge weapons and megalithic architecture are explained only by the presence of historic giants. This race in Genesis is called the Nephilim and this stunning research delves deeper into the mysteries of the giants than any other known work on the subject.
ISBN 9781595091584 • 218 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95
The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors ( Hardcover )
Author: Kersey Graves
Before Christianity there were 15 other religions that had a savior who died for our sins, then rose from the dead. Provides all the details, plus more found in common including the immaculate conception of the gods, virgin born gods, magi, shepherds and angels who visit the infant saviors, the birthday of the gods being December 25th, plus an explanation on how Jesus began to be worshipped as a God. Also reveals 346 striking analogies between Christ and Chrishna, the Hindu god.
Could this once have been the same story? Graves says yes, this ever-present story is the common link between all early religions.
ISBN 9781585095049 • 436 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $44.95
Subtitle: A Critical Study of the Christos – Messiah Tradition
Author: Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Reveals that much of Christianity did not originate in the Middle East. Shows how, where and why many Egyptian spiritual teachings were adopted into Christian form and accepted as “history.” Kuhn states, “The gospels are not and never were histories.
They are now proven to have been cryptic dramas of the spiritual evolution of humanity and of the history of the human soul in its earthly tabernacle of flesh.” For Christianity to be expressed in the way it was first intended, as experienced during the first two centuries of its existence, one must acknowledge its pagan roots.
The author reveals how things were altered in the third century by the existing Christian priesthood and why.
ISBN 9781585095803 • 512 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $54.95
A Short History of the Bible ( Hardcover )

Author: Bronson C. Keeler
Reveals that the books composing the Bible were originally not considered inspired at all, and that this idea came later. It shows who first endorsed them in this way and why it was done. Keeler admits to having no religious agenda in writing this book, but instead holds a simple desire to uncover the truth. Great book on the origins of the Bible, highly recommended.
ISBN 9781585095193 • 136 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95