Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Devil’s Pulpit – Volume Two ( Hardcover )

Author: Rev. Robert Taylor
Includes the complete Memoir of Taylor’s life, found only in the Book Tree edition. The sermons from both volumes stirred up more trouble in England than most anything else during this time. Taylor questioned every- thing in the Christian faith that seemed deceitful and disgusting, which was being supported by those around him. As a result, he was shunned by family and friends, and ousted by the Church. He was jailed more than once and spent his prison time writing.
Subjects include The Dangers of Belief, The Origins & Purpose of the Devil, the Zodiac & the Old Testament, the Fall of Man, Noah, Who Was Abraham?, Origins of the Lord God, and more.
ISBN 9781585095797 • 350 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $42.95
The Devil’s Pulpit – Volume 1 ( Hardcover )

Subtitle: Astro-theological Sermons
Author: Rev. Robert Taylor
This series of sermons was meant to challenge the rigid and uncompromising views that were held by Christianity in England at the time. Reverend Taylor was originally a doctor who took up the holy orders in the Church of England. His intense curiosity and desire to find the truth found him studying the roots of Christianity and its interesting connections to astrology and the signs of the zodiac.
He came to the conclusion that Christianity is based on much older religions and its rituals are directly descended from ancient Egyptian and pagan practices. Although Taylor’s holy orders were revoked and he was banned from preaching in the U.K., he continued his work in Ireland. He later returned to England and became even more controversial than ever. Arrested for blasphemy, he kept writing in jail.
Upon his release he toured the universities of England with a colleague, debating and beating virtually everyone with material covered in this book. Subjects covered include the origins of Christianity, the real purpose of Jesus and the apostles, and the importance of the zodiac and its symbolism in relation to Christianity. Rev. Taylor was a trailblazer for all those who dare to question current beliefs.
ISBN 9781585095780 • 368 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $44.95
The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil ( Hardcover )
Author: Kersey Graves
If the devil exists, where is he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-researched book exposes much about the devil. Topics include the origins of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a “bad guy” to represent evil, what the words devil and hell really meant in the Old Testament, “endless punishment” and its devastating effects, the devil’s twin brother – God, and why God was the author of evil according to the Bible. These and other startling facts are found in this work. Don’t accept the reality of the devil blindly. Read this book and decide for yourself.
ISBN9781585095285 • 168 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $28.95
Author: H. G. Wells
A good overview of God apart from religion. It is an effort to transmit the truest conception of God possible. Most religions claim God for them- selves in an exclusionary fashion – you must be a follower of the chosen faith before He will accept you into his kingdom. Wells rejects this view and believes that any man or woman who accepts God’s love as one person connecting to their own creator, is fine. An intermediary, despite religious claims, is not necessary. We are all God’s children. We are all seeking the same God, so to be dogmatic within a certain faith is small-minded and petty. If you want to explore an expanded view of God, then this book is for you.
ISBN 9781585092925 • 192 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16.95
Crux Ansata
Subtitle: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church
Author: H.G. Wells
Besides writing science fiction like The War of the Worlds and The Invisible Man, Wells was interested in history and current events. This was written during World War II, after he had resigned as Minister of Allied Propaganda. While there he learned things that shocked him concerning the Roman Catholic Church. Much of what he found is in this book. After it was released a loud protest came from the Catholic press accusing Wells, a respected writer, of spreading half truths, innuendoes, and logical fallacies. He responded, saying the church routinely engages in a complex, modern boycott of liberal thought that requires us to fight this intolerance. This book was swept under the rug of history despite its respected author.
ISBN 158509210X • 160 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95
Note: This Amazon link says it’s a Box Set, it is not.