Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race
Author: Albert Churchward
The depth of research goes beyond the realm of Freemasonry, so one does not need to be a Mason to appreciate it. The origin and evolution of the human race is also covered well. Particularly informative are the areas on the stellar, solar, and lunar cults, the “greater mysteries,” and the Egyptian god Horus. Has always been one of the most sought after and studied by those in the Masonic Lodge and others seeking important knowledge.
ISBN 9781585095711 • 240 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $34.95
Masonic Quiz Book ( Hardcover )

Author: William O. Peterson
The Masonic Quiz Book is the most comprehensive and educational learning tool for the Freemasonic craft that one could possibly ever encounter. It covers every imaginable question that one could have about Freemasonry and answers many of them with information that would be difficult to find elsewhere. It clearly took years to research and create this amazing book, which is now being recognized as a valuable resource for Freemasonic information.
ISBN 9781585095261 • 283 pages • Price: $38.95
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements
Author: Nesta H. Webster
One of the best books on secret societies ever written. Webster was an historical writer who wrote books on the French Revolution. After World War I she was intrigued with the Marxist revolt, so wrote World Revolution, examining how and why people revolt. As her search went deeper, clear meanings surfaced behind our revolutions – and they involved an agenda by secret societies. This book lays out, in historical perspective, how these secret societies and subversive movements have operated from behind the scenes. Not all of them aspire to rule the world or manipulate politics or world currency, but there are some major ones, according to Webster, that are. As a respected writer and world historian, she provides some interesting proof with this book.
ISBN 1585090921 • 432 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $29.95
The Lost Key
Subtitle: An Explanation and Application of the Masonic Symbols
Author: Prentiss Tucker
Symbols play a big part in our lives, but we often miss their full meaning. This book explains the meaning of Freemasonic symbols. Masons are members of a longstanding fraternal order that functions as a mystical brotherhood. A number of rituals are performed as one progresses up the ranks, usually in the form of an initiation. Often times Masons may not fully understand the true purpose of the initiation. This book covers the symbols found within the first three degrees. An excellent guidebook for the beginning Mason, and offers a more complete understanding for those who oversee the rituals.
ISBN 1585090506 • 192 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $15.95
Reprints of Rituals of Old Degrees
Author: Albert Pike
Pike is best known for his classic Freemasonic work Morals and Dogma, but was responsible for a number of other important books. This one relates to the early development of the craft and its rituals. Pike was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA. This collection is virtually unknown today, but sheds light on the basis of Freemasonic degrees and rituals. Included are the Wigan Rituals, the Master Mark Mason Ritual, and the Maconnerie D’Yorke Rituals which include references to Joseph Cerneau, who had a competing version of the Scottish Rite. Includes the Knights Templar Ritual (the 1851 authorized revision, upon which the current one is based), and the Grand Maitre Ecossais degree, which puts forth the idea that the true secret of Freemasonry is the alchemical transmutation of the initiate. Also found here is an older version of the Royal Arch Exaltation Ceremony. This rare reprint should be of great value to Freemasonic Lodges, or for those interested in the origins and development of Freemasonry in general.
ISBN 9781585093274 • 172 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95