Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Masonic Quiz Book

Author: William O. Peterson
The Masonic Quiz Book is the most comprehensive and educational learning tool for the Freemasonic craft that one could possibly ever encounter. It covers every imaginable question that one could have about Freemasonry and answers many of them with information that would be difficult to find elsewhere. It clearly took years to research and create this amazing book, which is now being recognized as a valuable resource for Freemasonic information.
ISBN 9781585092550 • 283 pages • Price: $22.95
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
Author: H. Spencer Lewis
Although originally a companion volume to Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order, this book works well as an independent reference, answering virtually every question one might have about Rosicrucianism. There is no better work available that outlines exactly what this mystical and sometimes secretive organization is truly all about. Important for members and researchers who want to know both fundamental and advanced information that would otherwise not be available. Originally published through the order itself, with answers supplied by the most respected Rosicrucian of his time
ISBN 9781585092024 • 100 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order
Author: H. Spencer Lewis
The author, a former high ranking Rosicrucian and prolific author on the subject, reveals the true history of the order. Many popular accounts put forth the idea that it was started in Germany in the seventeenth century by Christian Rosenkreuz, but Lewis shows how and why the order and its origins goes further back than what this story relates. The author states there was simply a revival taking place in the seventeenth century that has continued until today. Shares some of the world’s most ancient mystical secrets, what they really mean, and why they were preserved for centuries by the Rosicrucians.
ISBN 9781585092017 • 240 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $19.95
The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians
Author: Magus Incognito
Considered an important text for the Rosicrucians, which is a mystical organization that has been around for centuries.
The legendary founder, Christian Rosenkreuz, provided them with ancient knowledge, and whose last name means “rosy cross,” used as their main symbol. The author, Magus Incognito, used a psydonym because the book reveals many of their secrets.
ISBN 1585090913 • 256 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $20.95
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Author: Manly P. Hall
The deeper meanings of Masonic symbols from a legendary expert. One of the all-time best selling books on Freemasonry. Covers symbolic meanings relating to new initiates all the way up through the higher degrees. Masonry take on an added dimension with the use of this interesting guidebook. Shares the deeper meanings hidden in Freemasonry with you, the reader. A mistake some Masons make is using the organization like a social club, while ignoring its deeper truths, hidden within the craft for hundreds of years. Recommended for those interested in symbolism, ancient wisdom or freemasonry in general.
ISBN 9781585093458 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 124 pages • Price: $14.95