Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Florence Scovel Shinn
Can bring financial and spiritual wealth into the lives of readers who act on the advice put forth.
Based on universal, spiritual laws some- times found in Biblical teachings, and shows how to apply them. Provides examples of the success experienced by those who followed the teachings. Manifesting your dreams does not happen to other people only – it can happen to you. Guidebook for those who know exactly what they want, but not quite sure how to get it.
ISBN 9781585093380 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 92 pages • Price: $11.95
Author: George Winslow Plummer
A powerful how-to book on improving your mind and body, aligning yourself with nature’s harmony, and living a happier and better life. The wisdom employed in these teachings comes from the school of Rosicrucianism, a mystical organization that has been around for centuries. Will show you how to use the source of your power, achieve desires, use the law of attraction, uplift your attitude, improve concentration, control your thoughts, and achieve health and wealth.
ISBN 9781585093106 • 112 pages • Price: $12.95
Subtitle: Man’s Faith in God is Measured by His Confidence in Himself
Author: Neville Goddard
According to Neville, many stories in the bible are not historical, but are meant as tools for the inner transformation of the reader.
The Bible is a religious book, so it makes sense that its stories would have the purpose of providing spiritual growth and transformation. Neville explains the teachings in a way that allows us to see the Bible in a whole new light – and possibly the way it was intended.
Reading this book may shift your understanding of the Bible and more importantly, of yourself.
ISBN 9781585093557 • 126 pages • Price: $12.95
Awakened Imagination

Subtitle: The Power which Makes the Achievement of Aims… the Attainment of Desires… Inevitable. Includes The Search
Author: Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard wrote his books mostly from the 1940s through the 1960’s, always using his first name only–Neville. His books remain popular to this day, due to their timely and powerful messages. In this case, with Awakened Imagination, Neville reveals how one can use their own power to reach goals, no matter how lofty, using a rather simple process. The inner world is the key to achieving outer results if one knows how to use it. Most struggle by battling everything “out there” in a physical way, trying to force things into existence, with very little mental finesse except for recognizing their desire.
Neville reveals how one can use their limitless imagination to create an attractive force that will bring certain things to them, rather than them having to fight for it with less chance of success. Using the wisdom of the Bible and the works of the mystic William Blake to back up his system, one receives not only proof, but encouragement, to delve into one’s inner world to achieve the outer results one seeks.
He details how happiness actually works, and thereby allows us to work to achieve happiness. This powerful little book is well worth your attention if things have not worked out perfectly in life, but you still know that whatever is missing can truly be achieved. This book is a great tool for finding a better way that actually works.
ISBN 9781585093816 • 144 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $11.95

Author: Joseph Murphy
This is one of the most popular inspirational books of all time. By using very simple methods, it has helped thou- sands of people to realize goals and dreams that were previously unattainable. Real-life case studies are presented, assuring us that these things are possible if one applies the techniques. The subconscious mind can help create money, jobs, relationships, health, and overall happiness. Many of the exercises have been scientifically proven for their effectiveness. All that’s left is to try the techniques for oneself and to experience the power that is already within you. This is a life-changing classic. Find out why.
ISBN: 978158509372 • 160 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95