Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Subtitle: Twelve Lessons to Achieve Peace of Mind
Author: Dr. Frederick Bailes
This is the main Course Book for Science of Mind, which can help one gain a clear understanding of the mind in order to better harness its powers. The author, ran the largest Science of Mind church of his day, so there is no better person to teach these principles. With this course one can understand how problems and difficulties arise and then create a new awareness to effectively remove them, step by step. Also shows how to attract positive events in one’s life. It is powerful inner work that translates into the outer world if one is willing to commit to the twelve lessons.
ISBN: 978-1-58509-387-8 • 172 pages • Size: 8.25×11 • Price: $19.95
Author: James Allen
A powerful self-help book from one of the early giants in the field. Has changed many lives completely. True prosperity is not always about money, but includes all areas of life. Will help you overcome your most difficult hurdles. The author said, “I dreamed of writing a book which should help men and women, whether rich of poor, learned or unlearned, worldly or unworldly, to find within themselves the source of all success, all happiness, all accomplishment, all truth… and now I send it forth into the world on its mission…”
ISBN: 9781585093304 • 112 pages • Price: $12.95
As A Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen
A long-standing classic in the field of self-help, this book is a must read for anyone interested in bettering themselves. The human mind is more powerful than most people think it is and this book provides readers with a major key in teaching us how to use it properly. Thoughts are what truly control your life, and this book can well be considered a kind of “owner’s manual” for the mind. The teachings are simple but powerful.
Few books are as recommended to others and read over and over by the same people as this one is. Once you have a copy and take its teachings to heart, you will also understand. Chapters include Thought and Character, Effect of Thought on Circumstances, Effect of Thought on Health and the Body, Thought and Purpose, The Thought-Factor in Achievement, Visions and Ideals, and Serenity.
ISBN: 9781585093052 • 80 pages • Price: $9.95
Author: Jack Barranger
Why do good people stay in bad situations? Too many of us remain in dead-end jobs and relationships too long, and for the wrong reasons. This is a serious look at “the staying syndrome,” and how to get over it. Knowing When to Quit will guide you through a systematic analysis of your job or relationship. Provides a hard look at your social environment, including the possibilities for hurting others if you quit; an examination of the (often irrational) reasons people stay in bad situations; a debunking of the myths – such as “Winners Never Quit” – which keep good people stuck in place; and a scoring system, which can make your quit/stay decision easier. If you’ve been dissatisfied with your job, or uncertain about your relationship, you’ll need this helpful guide.
ISBN 9781585091386 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 200 pages • Price: $18.95

Author: Jack Barranger
Do you believe that you’re here for a reason? Do you want to fulfill your real purpose in life? Here’s your chance, by using this powerful self-help program. If you follow it diligently, you may realize your full potential, be happier, and make a real difference in life.
78 pages • Size: 8.5×11 • stapled binding Booklet • Price: $12.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.