Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Story of the World’s Oldest Profession

Author: Joseph McCabe
McCabe was a well-known religious researcher who stumbled his way into this subject after uncovering an alarming connection between the construction of great European cathedrals and brothels. This book presents a complete historical study of prostitution from the earliest known times to the modern day. Covers what is known from the savages of pre-civilization, up into the earliest ancient civilizations, followed by the age of temple prostitutes, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Dark Ages.
Also covers the Age of Cathedrals and Brothels, the Medieval period, the Renaissance, Luther and the campaign against prostitution, the nineteenth century, Eastern countries and Africa, with a closing chapter on more modern times. The author was one of the best researchers of his day, documenting information from hard-to-find sources in various languages, making this book a valuable contribution to the history of this subject.
ISBN 9781585093663 • 126 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95

Subtitle: The Use of the Sex Force
Author: Dion Fortune
The author, Dion Fortune, is well known for having been one of the greatest occult writers of her time. She was lesser known for her profession as a psychotherapist, where she helped numerous clients with sexual issues. Her spiritual background allowed her to draw connections between human sexuality and who and what we are as spiritual beings.
This book explains how and why the control of the sexual force may allow us to harness its energy. In doing so, it becomes possible to transform ourselves and evolve in higher spiritual ways. There is a spiritual nature to sex that few people will acknowledge. The author not only shows that it is there, but also reveals how one may use it for a higher purpose. She covers such topics as sexual motivation, celibacy, the purpose of the sex instinct, homosexuality, the wisdom of love, masturbation, modesty, abnormal forms of sexuality, and more.
This book may serve as a study guide for individuals, or by therapists or counselors. Now back in print, it was originally published under the author’s real name, Violet Firth.
ISBN: 9781585094554 • 128 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95