Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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THE TEACHINGS OF ANDREA: The Window of the Soul
Editor: Tina Tungate
The “Edgar Cayce” of Italy – Andrea – shares insightful spiritual teachings in this, the only English translation from his huge body of work. People come from all over Europe to see this gifted teacher. This book covers much on the soul & who we really are.
ISBN: 9781585092994 • 154 pages • Price: $12.95
Subtitle: A Manuscript Dictated Clairaudiently to Mark Probert by Members of the Inner Circle
Author: Mark Probert
Mark was one of the greatest psychic mediums in the 1950’s and ‘60’s. This amazing wisdom was presented by spiritual masters who spoke through him. Most channelers share one teacher but Mark had many. He would fall “asleep” like Edgar Cayce and each teacher would speak in a completely different voice. Older people who knew Mark state there was no better medium ever, for transmitting such knowledge. Teachers include Yada, Lao-Tsu, Professor Alfred Luntz, Lo Sun Yat, Arakashi, Maharaja Natcha Tramalaki, and more.
ISBN 9781585092581 • 192 pages • $12.95

Subtitle: A Handbook for Spiritualist Churches and their Members
Author: The General Assembly of Spiritualists
What is a Spiritualist?
Many Spiritualist churches exist yet little has been published by them or for them. This book gives a great overview of what Spiritualism is about. Includes chapters on its Historical Background, Definitions of Mediumship, What is Spiritualism?, What do Spirituals Believe?, Spiritual Healing, The Nature of the Spirit World, Prophecy and Mediumship, Recorded Spirit Manifestations in the Bible, Prophecy and Mediumship, and includes texts for marriage, funeral and christening services.
Highly recommended as a complete guidebook for Spiritualists worldwide.
ISBN 9781585092659 • 144 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $14.95
The New Revelation

Subtitle: The Coming of a New Spiritual Paradigm
Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Doyle was the author of Sherlock Holmes and a spiritualist. He predicted, with this book, a new religion influenced by the spiritualist movement which included channeling, seances, automatic writing, and other strange, psychic occurrences. He strongly believed these realms hold more answers than any religion ever could. The “Old Revelation” has lost its power through bigotry, mismanagement, materialism, and claims of infallibility that no longer hold up, says Doyle.
New discoveries await us and one can start to explore them by reading this book.
ISBN: 1585092207 • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
One of the greatest proponents of spiritualism was Arthur Conan Doyle, best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Spiritualists believe in the continuation of life after death and that we can communicate with those on the other side in ways that can be helpful. In the early 1900’s there was a large Spiritualist movement taking place in the world and Doyle chose to document its entire history in this two volume set.
Chapters include The Career of Eusapia Palladino, Great Mediums from 1870 to 1900, The Society for Psychical Research, Ectoplasm, Spirit Photography, Voice Mediumship and Moulds, French, German and Italian Spiritualism, Some Great Modern Mediums, The Religious Aspects of Spiritualism, The After-Life as Seen by Spiritualists, and more. To this day the movement has continued to grow, with Spiritualist churches existing around the world. Many people believe in their principles or have experienced them first-hand, making this work important to those who wish to investigate further.
ISBN: 9781585093120 • 352 pages • Price: $27.95