Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Malleus Maleficarum ( Hardcover )
Author: Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger
One of the most notorious books in history.
Thousands of innocent people, especially women, lost their lives at its expense. First published around 1489, shortly after the invention of the printing press and five years after a papal bull was issued legitimizing the belief in witches. It went through at least 30 printings and became the handbook for witch hunters, both Protestant and Catholic. Bishops and secular authorities could prosecute witches if there were no representatives from the Inquisition around, with this book giving full directions. Some villages were left with as few as two women. This book should be read because there are lessons to be learned and there is an ignorance to overcome. A fascinating study of mass hysteria, greed, and delusional behavior that has not completely vanished from our society.
ISBN 9781585095759 • 332 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $41.95
Compendium Maleficarum
Subtitle: A Handbook on Witchcraft from the 1600’s
Author: Francesco Maria Guazzo
Edited: Montague Summers
Were witches real in the Middle Ages?
This handbook on witchcraft, first published in 1628, claims to expose the entire practice and profession of witchcraft. Was used as support in the accusation of witches at the time, although we can recognize much of it today as being paranoid superstition by religious authorities. The book is valuable because it allows one to view the extreme superstition surrounding witchcraft at the time, and to better understand the degree of persecution that resulted.
ISBN 1585092460 • 228 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $18.95
The Malleus Maleficarum
Author: Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger
One of the most notorious books in history.
Thousands of innocent people, especially women, lost their lives at its expense. First published around 1489, shortly after the invention of the printing press and five years after a papal bull was issued legitimizing the belief in witches. It went through at least 30 printings and became the handbook for witch hunters, both Protestant and Catholic. Bishops and secular authorities could prosecute witches if there were no representatives from the Inquisition around, with this book giving full directions. Some villages were left with as few as two women. This book should be read because there are lessons to be learned and there is an ignorance to overcome. A fascinating study of mass hysteria, greed, and delusional behavior that has not completely vanished from our society.
ISBN 1585090980 • 332 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $25.95
ARADIA: Or the Gospel of the Witches
Author: Charles Leland
This first edition reprint tells how the author met a woman in Italy in the 1800’s. She revealed to him Strega, or the Old Religion, which had its roots in religions that pre-dated Christianity.
An important book for modern Wiccans, with a great impact upon its beliefs. Gives anyone with an interest in religions what some of the more ancient beliefs may have been in earlier times. Also one of the standard texts for Wiccans. An important document called the Charge of the Goddess was taken from this book, although not named so here. An essential Wiccan/pagan text.
ISBN 1585092428 • Size: 6×9 • 152 pages • Price: $13.95
Witchcraft Today

Author: Gerald B. Gardner
From the “father of modern witchcraft” comes his best known work, Witchcraft Today. It is the first book to reveal the true origins of witchcraft and how it became what it is today. According to Wiccans, this book forms the basis for what the Wiccan religion really is, and has therefore been sought after for many years. It is considered to be the definitive work on their religion and beliefs.
This is a complete reproduction of the first edition, which includes a Foreword by Dr. Margaret Murray. Some additional photos were added, along with an Introduction by the esteemed Wiccan author, Raymond Buckland. This book should be in the library of every serious practitioner of Wicca or those interested in an accurate, historical portrayal of this fascinating form of belief.
ISBN 9781585094325 • 160 pages • 6×9 • $14.95