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Author: Frank Townshend
Intro: Paul Tice
This book is a celebration of the earth and the beauty of life. Much like his other book, Heaven, it is written in poetic verse but reads more like a story. It shares powerful insights and lessons which have inspired one reviewer to call it, “the most important book ever written about mankind and our relationship to all things.”
The author, Frank Townshend, was a philosopher, poet and prophet who shares visions of a hopeful future for humanity. He ridicules the current world philosophy based on material profit, but refuses to be regretful for mankind’s situation. He states that all people, all religions, and all thought, are in their proper places in the evolution of the earth. He foresees a coming age that will be the natural outgrowth of the necessary past and the necessary present, in which life will be based on the joy of existing, and every person will find the truth in their own heart.
This book foreshadows a shift in mankind so powerfully, and illustrates it so clearly, that one cannot help but to begin experiencing it for themselves.
ISBN: 9781585093755 • 182 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $16.95