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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: An In-Depth Study of the Nephilim
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
Written records of the ancient world excavated from the Near East to the western shores of ancient South America are filled with obscure references to a race of giants. Most biblical scholars are unaware of or choose to ignore the over 80 references to giants found in the books of the Old Testament. In the same way, historians have overlooked the hundreds of references to gigantic people mentioned by ancient chronographers. Despite this fact, the greatest common denominator in the pages of the world’s oldest epic texts concerns giants. Enormous humanoid skeletons have been unearthed in the past—and today, huge weapons and megalithic architecture are explained only by the presence of historic giants. This race in Genesis is called the Nephilim and this stunning research delves deeper into the mysteries of the giants than any other known work on the subject.
ISBN 9781595091584 • 218 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95