80 of our titles are available in high-quality hardcover editions.
They do not have dust jackets, but have the front and back cover images printed directly on the outer boards. Hardcover editions are special orders that are usually filled for libraries, but we understand how some people appreciate them and prefer having them as part of their own personal libraries. Therefore, there will be an extra wait after placing your order. Found below is a complete price list of available hardcover titles, arranged alphabetically, with page numbers of the paperback versions should you wish to read the descriptions.
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The 6th and 7th Books of Moses ( Hardcover )

Introduction: Paul Tice.
It is believed these magical books were translated from the ancient Hebrew.
The Sixth Book contains “secret seals” used in magical rituals. Each is presented with a matching conjuration – a verbal spell summoning entities or energies beyond our reality that may respond and help to achieve the goal of the summoner. The Seventh Book contains magical tables, each of which performs a certain function. Carrying one with you or to a certain area may bring wealth, love, or good luck. Also covers magic done in the Bible, and a Kabala section reveals secret wisdom, charms and remedies, and magical cures of the ancient Hebrews. If used with good intentions, this book claims to bring good fortune.
ISBN 9781585095087
Price: $29.95
The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers, and Phenomena ( Hardcover )
Author: Swami Panchadasi
A great classic that covers all aspects of the astral world. Reveals much that is missing from the traditional western perspective. Great for both beginners and serious seekers, as it moves gradually from simple to advanced topics within the span of 100 pages. The author went there and returned, providing a useful map in the form of this book. The reader can follow the map and attempt astral travel, or simply read the book for a rewarding experience.
ISBN 9781585095131,
Price: $25.95
Atrahasis ( Hardcover )

Author: Albert T. Clay
The word Atrahasis means “extra wise” and refers to the earliest known version of Noah, who built an ark and saved mankind from destruction. This is that story, from ancient Sumeria, which many scholars believe was the original from which all known flood stories came from. This was the most popular story in the ancient world and has survived for over five thousand years. It is the only one that all cultures, worldwide, seem to share. Why? Was there really a great flood? And why do we not explore the oldest known version carefully for clues? That is the purpose of this book, which also includes a number of other interesting flood story fragments and documents.
ISBN 9781585095223 • Price: $27.95
The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil ( Hardcover )
Author: Kersey Graves
If the devil exists, where is he? Is he really in a place called hell? If so, where is that? This well-researched book exposes much about the devil. Topics include the origins of hell, where the Christian devil was borrowed from, why the church needed a “bad guy” to represent evil, what the words devil and hell really meant in the Old Testament, “endless punishment” and its devastating effects, the devil’s twin brother – God, and why God was the author of evil according to the Bible. These and other startling facts are found in this work. Don’t accept the reality of the devil blindly. Read this book and decide for yourself.
ISBN9781585095285 • 168 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $28.95
The Book of Enoch (Long Version) ( Hardcover )
Author: R. H. Charles
Subtitle: Translated from the Editor’s Ethiopic Text and Edited with an Enlarged Introduction, Notes and Indexes, Together with a Reprint of the Greek Fragments
The most important book left out of the Bible. It seems to have predated much of the New Testament, having been written almost entirely in the second century. Charles said, “The influence of I Enoch on the New Testament has been greater than that of all the other apocryphal and pseudepigraphical books put together.” A direct translation from the Ethiopic language (beware of inferior versions). All the important notes are included here, along with a list of every known translation and how they contributed to our knowledge. This is by far the most thorough edition which every serious researcher and student should have. It first appeared in 1912. Five years later, in 1917, the slimmer version replaced this book, making it almost impossible to find until now.
ISBN 9781585095391 • 448 pages • Hardcover • Size: 6×9 • Price: $49.95
The Book of Jasher ( Hardcover )
Author: Albinus Alcuin
A Suppressed Book that was Removed from the Bible, Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel, translated by Albinus Alcuin (800 AD).
Some sources claim this book was once the original start of the Bible. We do know at one time that it was once part of the Bible, being referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel. It also survived the burning of the Alexandria Library in 389 AD due to a fast acting custodian. Alcuin later did the original translation of it from Hebrew in 800 AD. It became suppressed but rediscovered briefly in 1829. Only now has it become widely known. Special note: A more common 64 page version is in circulation, but is a proven forgery.
ISBN 9781585095148 • 304 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $39.95