80 of our titles are available in high-quality hardcover editions.
They do not have dust jackets, but have the front and back cover images printed directly on the outer boards. Hardcover editions are special orders that are usually filled for libraries, but we understand how some people appreciate them and prefer having them as part of their own personal libraries. Therefore, there will be an extra wait after placing your order. Found below is a complete price list of available hardcover titles, arranged alphabetically, with page numbers of the paperback versions should you wish to read the descriptions.
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Subtitle: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline
Author: Nicholas de Vere
Outlines in detail the ancient dragon bloodline – where it came from and what it really means. Were those who carried this bloodline blessed with great powers? What influence did they have on the ancient world? Did the elves, fairies and vampires from long ago really exist?
If so, who were they? Why was blood and this particular bloodline so important?
What kind of magic once existed and how was it lost? This well-researched book unveils many mysteries for those who have wondered about our ancient past.
ISBN 9781585095179 • Size: 6×9 • 432 pages • Price: $44.95
The Empire of “The City” ( Hardback )

Subtitled: The Secret History of British Financial Power
Author: Matthew Arnold
The author presents a behind the scenes look at the secretive international policies of the British government and how their successes allowed them to rise to the top of a vast secret order of World Finance. According to the author, he has pieced enough information together, presented in this book, which clearly shows that a colossal financial and political organization is run from a area of London called “The City”. Due to its power, The City is claimed to operate as a super-government of the world, and plays some kind of role or has influence in virtually every major world event.
ISBN 9781585095377 • 112 pages • Price: $28.95
Author: A. E. Powell
According to esoteric teachings we have an energy body of lighter material that is connected to our physical bodies. Those who can see it call it the aura and can sometimes tell the state of a person’s health by the way it appears. Those who use its energy refer to it as prana, chi, vital force, orgone or other names. There are seven chakras, or energy points, where this energy collects in the etheric body. Working with these chakras and spiritual energies can play a big part in the psychic development and enlightenment of those sensitive enough to work on these levels. This book shows you how.
ISBN: 9781585095421 • 152 pages • Price: $29.95
Flying Serpents and Dragons ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: The Story of Mankind’s Reptilian Past
Author: R. A. Boulay
A highly original work that deals a shattering blow to all our preconceived notions about our past and human origins. Worldwide legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons that came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.
Who were these reptilian creatures?
What was the real reason for man’s creation?
Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden?
Who were the Nefilim who descended from heaven and mated with human women?
Why did the serpent take such a bad rap in history?
Why didn’t Adam and Eve wear clothes?
Why did the ancient Sumerians call their major gods USHUMGAL, which means “great fiery, flying serpent?”
What were the “boats of heaven” in ancient Egypt and the “sky chariots” of the Bible?
ISBN 9781585095292 • 276 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $34.95