When the Sun Darkens ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Orbital History and 2040 A.D. – Return of Planet Phoenix
Author: Jason M. Breshears
Numerous times throughout Earth’s history there have been major cataclysmic events. These events have resulted in large-scale climactic changes, mythological stories of floods and visitations from the skies, and sometimes the complete extinction of life. The major planetary body that has caused much of this carnage has been referred to by many names. Jason Breshears has termed it Phoenix, based on his research into the distant past and what it was usually called by witnesses. By piecing together ancient documents from the most reputable sources available, we have, in this book, the most extensive and accurate rendering of the cycle of the Phoenix, including when it will come again. Some of us, according to the author, will live to see its return. Beyond the foundational scientific evidence, the author ties in various Bible prophecies that relate directly to it. Many books exist on this subject, but few have broken new ground like this one, due to the extensive research involved.
ISBN 978-1585095957 • Size: 6×9 • 126 pages • Price: $27.95
Author: Jason M Breshears
This book maps out the entire historical chronology of planetary cataclysms starting in 4309 BC, covering the cyclical return of Nibiru, the planet Phoenix, and more. It also reveals the code for understanding the prophecies of Nostradamus, showing when they have occurred in the past, or when they will occur in the future. It takes the work of Mario Reading, who first broke the code, and shows how it perfectly applies to all of Breshears’ previously made cataclysmic predictions for the years 2040 and 2046. Mr. Reading made mistakes in interpreting some quatrains for the years 2001-2012 that did not involve his code, so his work has been largely dismissed.
Breshears brings Reading’s work back to life with stunning clarity, and takes it one step further in our understanding of prophetic events. Also covers the predictions of Mother Shipton, who was not only a contemporary to Nostradamus, but made the exact predictions Breshears and Nostradamus made concerning two large scale global catastrophes that will occur six years apart. Despite the many predictions of others, the year 2012 passed with no worldwide cataclysmic events because, according to the author, they were never interpreted or explained correctly, until now. The author remains unmatched in his in-depth research regarding historical and geological cycles, which in turn allows him to accurately map major planetary events, past and future, many of which are outlined in this book.
ISBN 978-1585095964 • 115 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $26.95
Author: Jason M. Breshears
The Anunnaki is a legendary race that appears in the oldest documents of mankind. Their planet is said to orbit our sun in an extremely elliptical orbit and create cataclysms on Earth whenever it returns to our vicinity. The work of Zecharia Sitchin focuses on the Anunnaki and their previous visits. Sitchin never gave an exact date for their return, but Breshears gives an exact year, and does so confidently due to extensive research.
He delves not only into historical records, as Sitchin had done, but also uses scientific cycles and mathematical formulas that relate to planetary time and orbits. The historical records are chronologically presented and help in identifying cyclical patterns. Also employs advanced geometry, interprets complex crop circle patterns, and uses biblical prophecy to support some of the events he has predicted. Goes beyond interpreting ancient stories and presents carefully documented proof.
ISBN 978-1585095971 • 8.5×11 • 164 pages • Price: $34.95

Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: Enoch and the Origin of the World’s Oldest Texts
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
This important book covers traditions of the pyramid found in an extinct language and reveals an ancient body of teachings holding that Enoch was the architect of the Giza monuments before the Great Flood. Also covers: A secret body of obscure scriptures in the Bible that refer to the Great Pyramid, ancient knowledge that the Great Pyramid complex was long ago beneath the Mediterranean Sea, ancient Egyptian accounts of the discovery of the Great Pyramid, rather than it being built by them, with Egyptian-based memories of Abraham visiting & teaching at the Giza site. Also includes secret traditions regarding the Sphinx and why it appears older than the pyramids – but is not, and historical records showing that the Great Pyramid was built to preserve knowledge and survive through a planetary cataclysm.
ISBN 978-1585095988 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95

Author: Jason M. Breshears
Few books have the ability to change one’s life, and this book has all the earmarks of being such a treasure. We are talking about profound changes – something within these pages which strikes at the depth of one’s being and causes a powerful (and very welcome) new direction to take hold. To be clear, this book cannot promise to magically transform the reader. But as long as one approaches this work seriously and puts some effort into applying its teachings, then there is a real chance.
If you wish to transform your life into something more powerful and more meaningful than what is commonly found within this mundane, worldly, hypnotic form of consciousness that society quietly crams down our throats, then you may have found an answer, and a new path to explore. Herein lies a chance to awaken the Immortal within.
ISBN 978-1585095995 • 84 pages • Price: $24.95