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Author: Poggius the Papist and Paul Tice
John Hus was one of the greatest religious and spiritual pioneers to ever grace this earth, and experts agree that the Reformation would have never been possible without him paving the way. He paid for his beliefs, however, by being burned at the stake in 1415 at age 42. This book is composed of three sections meant to provide the most complete picture of Hus ever assembled. The main section contains two letters from Poggius, a witness to the trial, to a friend. He worked for the Church, but became secretly allied with Hus. The section from Paul Tice covers the beliefs, motivations and friendships of Hus. Last is a six-page farewell letter written to his followers the night before his execution.
ISBN 1585092320 • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95