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Magic White and Black

Author: Franz Hartman

This inspiring book has been recommended to others for decades and has become a classic in the field of magic, metaphysics and spirituality. The title is misleading because there is much more covered that goes far beyond magic. Subjects include Spiritual Law in the Natural World, Consciousness, The Spiritual Body, Karma, Transformations, Meditation, Alchemy, Magicians and Mediums, Theosophy, and Divine Wisdom: the Realization of Truth.

This is the perfect book for those interested in the fundamental elements of Magic and its philosophy and purpose. Additional subjects include the philosopher¿s stone, the true cross, forbidden knowledge, Rosicrucian wisdom, states after death and the inner world.

ISBN 9781585092611 • Size: 6×9 • 300 pages • Price: $24.95

Also available in Hardcover