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Subtitle: Secrets of World Control
Author: Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell is considered to be the world’s foremost authority on ancient religions and modern conspiracies. His work on the true meaning of symbols, logos, and company insignias has also fascinated audiences around the world for years. He grew up in a family that had high-ranking insiders in international politics and religion, so had access to behind the scenes information that few people could imagine during his early years. This intrigued him, and set him off on a lifetime of investigation. This book is the result of his many years of investigation.
Who really runs the world? Who controls the money, the politics, and almost every facet of life without you knowing a thing about it? Is such a thing possible? Explore this fascinating subject with a man who has devoted a lifetime of study to uncovering our “hidden masters.” He has made countless radio and TV appearances including three CBS television specials, and has numerous videos of his work available.
ISBN: 9781585091201 • 104 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95