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Subtitle: A Reinterpretation
Author: H. S. Bellamy
This revolutionary book puts forth the idea that the moon was once a rogue planet that was captured by Earth’s orbit in ancient times. Referred to as Luna by
the author, this planetary body caused great havoc on our world in the process.
The holy books and mythologies of the past describe similar cataclysms that lack a scientific cause. The author attempts to bridge that gap with this book, explaining our mythologies in the context of more modern astronomical knowledge. He sidesteps the rather tenuous, uniformitarian scientific paradigm of today because it refuses to recognize the evidence we have for major earthly catastrophes. The current paradigm wishes to preserve the idea of a slow, evolutionary progression in Earth’s geological activity—but the evidence shows that this activity can change drastically and suddenly. Outdated textbooks remain because the slow evolvement of Earth changes is less violent and more easily explained. In this fascinating study the author champions Hoerbiger’s Cosmological Theory.
Although modern science considers this theory flawed, it does not diminish the overall value of Bellamy’s work, nor discount the idea of the moon’s orbital capture by other means. Whatever flaws exist in this work are far surpassed by the remaining research presented. It lays out in detail a plethora of solid evidence found in historical records that runs contrary to what we are being taught today about our past.
ISBN 9781585090389 • 312 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95