Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Author: Claire Myers Owens
Covers the author’s search for what has been called cosmic consciousness.
She explores a variety of avenues for awakening including religion, art, movement, meditation, nature and more. Abraham Maslow, the legendary psychologist said, “Exciting, fascinating, I read it in one sitting.”
In these often troubled times, this book offers a much needed confirmation of our basic, positive nature and the reach for something Higher that we all share, the quest we are all completing.
ISBN: 9781585091324 • 184 pages • Price: $17.95

Author: Claire Myers Owens
Reveals the best ways to find a deeper and more powerful part of oneself which has been accessed by great spiritual people – and even average people – throughout the centuries. The author wanted to understand the mechanics of reaching spiritual enlightenment, if possible, so embarked upon this search. She struggled to arrive at a scientific explanation for this advanced spiritual state through a variety of worldwide disciplines.
Her findings are of great value to those engaged on a similar quest. Highly recommended.
ISBN9781585091416 • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95
COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind
Author: Richard Maurice Bucke, M.D.
Long known as a classic in the study of human consciousness and praised by such luminaries as P. D. Ouspensky and the psychologist William James.
Supports the idea that human consciousness is evolving and that human-kind is moving toward a more enlightened state. Fascinating look at many well-known people who directly experienced these states and helped move humanity forward.
ISBN 9781585092802 • 340 pages • Price: $26.95
The Path of Discipleship

Author: Annie Besant
Shows how to reach a higher level of awareness.
Outlines the qualifications one must have, the ideas behind discipleship, and how to employ these ideas with the help of a qualified teacher or guru. The last section covers the future of consciousness and how to get a head start on your own spiritual evolution.
ISBN 1585092169 • 152 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $13.95
The Light of Egypt Vol. One: The Science of the Soul and the Stars
Author: Thomas H. Burgoyne
A spiritual guidebook containing some of the most effective spiritual instruction ever used.
The author was well schooled in wisdom from around the world including Hermetic, Kabalistic, Theosophical, and Buddhist principles.
Divided into two parts: The Science of the Soul and The Science of the Stars. Covers karma, immortality, reincarnation, the human soul, alchemy and the Zodiac.
Meant for slow and serious study, for those seeking wisdom as opposed to knowledge.
ISBN 9781585090518 • 320 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95
The Light of Egypt Vol. Two: The Science of the Soul and the Stars
Author: Thomas H. Burgoyne
Continues where Part One left off – covering the zodiac and astro-theology.
Advanced information, at a higher level than Vol. One. Contains great information on astrology. Both books contain spiritual truths not found elsewhere; they area small occult library in themselves. Works as a course to be used alone or as part of a group.
ISBN 9781585090525 • 224 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $17.95