Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Magic and Mystery in Tibet
Author: Alexandra David Neel
The author spent 14 years in Tibet, one of the most beautiful and mysterious places on Earth. At the time, few westerners could penetrate into this strange and magical land. The author won the trust of Tibet’s most powerful lamas and magicians, and takes us on a personal odyssey of psychic discovery. Through the author, we are initiated into powerful meditations, breathing exercises, visions, shamanic magic, and past life recollection. There are also tulpas, or disembodied thought forms, that can be created in human form using the power of the mind – something she was able to perform. There is more to life than what is seen on the surface, and this important book is proof of that claim.
ISBN 1585090972 • 352 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $26.95
THE FORERUNNER: His Parables and Poems
Author: Kalil Gibran
From the acclaimed author of The Prophet comes a unique and moving collection of poems and parables. Twenty-five in all, they bring forth teachings on morality, spirituality and compassion in a way that only Gibran is capable. Although each entry is short, they evoke thoughtful reflection for those who can find the deeper meanings.
The book is short, but what the reader may create and experience as a result of its reading could fill volumes.
ISBN 9781585092864 • 80 pages • Price: $10.95
Theosophy and The Secret Doctrine
Author: Harriet L. Henderson
Also includes H.P. Blavatsky: An Outline of Her Life, by Herbert Whyte. The word Theosophy means the Wisdom of God. Blavatsky and Col. Olcott started the Theosophical Society in 1875. The Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky became the defining work for Theosophy, written as a large two volume set. This is and more understandable and condensed version, providing a clear overview of Theosophy. It also reveals the life of its colorful and legendary founder, Madame Blavatsky, who had great psychic abilities and one of the sharpest minds of her time.
ISBN 1585090751 • 132 pages • 6×9 • Price: $13.95
The Divine Life

Author: Hilton Hotema
The Divine Life, according to the author, is the most majestic power and mysterious force known to mankind. It has been bestowed to humanity by God and it is up to each of us to identify and use this incredible power.
Most do not even know it exists — however, this book proves that the Divine Life exists within us. It shows us how to recognize this great power and use it in amazing ways.
The reason we have not been able to harness this power is because mankind does not have a clear understanding as to what life really is. In this book the author embarks on a thorough study of what life is, so the reader can then understand better how to access The Divine Life.
Examples of the Divine Life being used throughout history are included, along with numerous historical references.
ISBN 9781585094080 • 180 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16

Author: Hilton Hotema
It is believed that there is a much higher spiritual intelligence that can be accessed by mankind through the trillions of cells in the body. A few people have successfully done this. As a result, they have gained access to miraculous and unused powers that mankind once had, but have lost. According to the author, this Cosmic Intelligence is limited in man due to his diminished capacity to receive and express it. This book lays out a complete program on how to regenerate the cells and gain access to this higher consciousness. This book functions as an instruction manual relating to alternative health practices, with the benefit of longer life and a higher awareness as a result. The author, Hilton Hotema, was a legendary spiritual teacher who wrote many thought-provoking books.
ISBN 9781585093953 • 280 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95

Author: Hilton Hotema
Reveals the higher science needed to understand the soul. The first half of this book covers how the physical world works through standard Earth Science. The author then moves into the higher science, covering how it works and offers proof for the human soul. As a result, a more complete understanding of the “soul’s secret” can be reached. This higher science was taught by the Ancient Astrologers, up until the fourth century AD. At this time, the Roman Church killed many of these teachers and destroyed their work, plunging the world into the Dark Ages, which lasted for a thousand years. Many of these teachings were incorporated by the Church, but were camouflaged into their texts. As a result, the original teachings lost their power and could only be understood cryptically or symbolically, if at all.
The author shows how the books and dogma of modern religions have replaced the deeper wisdom previously attained through actual spiritual experience. Reveals proof of the human soul, the survival of bodily death, and the hidden power we have within us.
ISBN 9781585093977 • 88 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $11.95