Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Author: Helen Keller
Keller had no hearing or eyesight from age two, but was one of the most inspiring people who ever lived. For years she functioned, in her words, simply as “an unconscious clod of earth.” Then quite suddenly, she experienced the impact of “another mind” within her own. Despite not knowing where it came from or how it got there, she awoke to a new awareness of being able to talk and listen with her hands. She learned to read and write, wrote at least ten books, and attended college.
Her religion developed from living deeply within her spiritual self, cut off from normal sensation, and spending her life on a spiritual plane. Her experiences became incorporated with the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, who, like Keller, experienced other realms of spirit and transmitted teachings that Helen saw with great clarity. She wrote this book after receiving many requests for her to describe her religious beliefs.
ISBN 9781585092840 • 220 pages • Price: $17.95
Author: Alcyone (J. Krishnamurti).
The first book by the great spiritual teacher, Krishnamurti, written at age 14 under the name Alcyone, which is the brightest star in the Pleiades. This name was given him because it was thought he would be the next great world teacher. The wisdom in this book is amazing for such a young man, and his later work attests to this natural gift. Addresses the question, how does one live and walk on a spiritual path? He lays out four qualifications for this path – discrimination, desirelessness, good conduct and love. Guides the reader onto a meaningful spiritual path.
ISBN 9781585093069 • 92 pages • Price: $10.95
LIFE IN FREEDOM and The Dissolution of the Order of the Star

Author: Jiddu Krishnamurti
A collection of talks outlining the powerful ideas that were to become the essence of his life’s teachings. He was one of the great spiritual teachers and this book reveals his ideas in a clear and beautiful style.
Shortly after this book came out, he officially renounced his role as a world savior-type figure, encouraging people to empower themselves. This announcement is included in the addendum entitled The Dissolution of the Order of the Star.
ISBN 9781585093717 • 112 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95
Subtitle: Who Brings the Truth, By What Authority, and Three Poems
Author: J. Krishnamurti and Paul Tice.
This book contains one lecture and two of Krishnamurti’s legendary Ommen Campfire Talks given in Holland during his early years of teaching, and closes with three of his poems. It reflects the last and very best of his teachings while he was still head of the Order of the Star. Includes his first revolutionary talk, “Who Brings the Truth,” at a time when he had been heralded as the next World Teacher, the Maitreya. Krishnamurti asks those present if they should believe he is the world teacher, how would it help them? This talk stresses that if you depend on authority, you will be building your foundations on sand.
All of these early lessons guide the reader toward finding what matters most within themselves. His greatness as a teacher was in showing us how to be lamps unto ourselves, as found in this book, which was rare and out of print until now.
ISBN 9781585093564 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 104 pages • Price: $12.95
Phenomenal World
Subtitle: Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, Apparitions, Extraterrestrials, Lucid Dreams and Other forms of Intelligent Contact in the Magical Kingdom of Mind-At-Large,
Author: Joan d’Arc
For centuries mankind has been exploring the nature of reality. The materialistic scientific worldview would have us believe that physically measurable phenomena are all that exist. Yet the answers to the key of reality go far beyond this mindset. This book explores the clues we have about the nature of reality, especially those aspects that cannot yet be proven. If we can understand the most baffling aspects of reality, then we will move closer toward understanding its ultimate cause and nature.
ISBN 1585091286 • 211 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95
Mysteries Explored
Subtitle: The Search for Human Origins, UFOs, and Religious Beginnings
Author: Jack Barranger and Paul Tice
An overall investigation into human origins, religion, mythology, UFOs, and other unexplained phenomena. Begins by covering the most ancient mysteries about mankind, proceeds up to modern times, and ends with where we are today from a religious and spiritual standpoint. Explores the possibility that we experienced some form of “outside intervention” in remote times which, in some ways, may still be with us today.
ISBN 1585091014 • 103 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95