Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Author: Duncan Greenlees
Recommended by top scholars in the field of Gnostic studies for many years, but has been virtually impossible to find until now. One of the best books on the subject, essential for any serious researcher. Takes the reader through every facet of the Gnostic experience including sections on The Soul is Sent Forth, Glory of the Indwelling Light, The Way to the Higher Mysteries, The Final Secret of the Self, and The Soul Travels Home. Based on rare, surviving works of ancient Gnostic teachers like Pistis Sophia and the two Books of Ieu.
Other sources include the Agnew Codex, Bruce Codex, Akhmim Codex, Jung Codex, Cairo Codex, the Gnostic Acts (of Peter, Andrew, John, Thomas and Philip), the Chaldean Oracles, and various Gnostic hymns, prayers, Gospels and papyri. A virtual gold mine of Gnostic material, some translated and presented here for the first time.
ISBN 9781585090075 • 412 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $29.95
Author: Joseph McCabe
Subtitle: A Survey of the Nonsense, Absurdities, Inconsistencies, Illogicalities, Inaccuracies and Idiocies of the World’s Outstanding Leaders,
Also includes: The Absurdities of the Christian Religion
Covers many who were considered larger than life heroes, showing they were only human just like us. Powerful people can be downright stupid and this book is filled with good examples. Covers the ancient world, Church fathers, the Renaissance, and modern philosophers. Includes stories on Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Montaigne, Francis Bacon, Copernicus, Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Emerson, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Sir James Jeans, Arthur Eddington, Arnold Toynbee, and various popes. The free companion book covers the savagery of a hell-fire God, teachings of Paul, the puerility of the Jesus story, real founders of the Church, and more.
ISBN 1585093465 • 128 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $13.95

Author: Farid ud- Din Attar
Many profound lessons are found within these beautiful allegorical stories about birds that are searching for the meaning of their existence. We are those same birds, seeking our place among each other in this world, while on the path of our soul’s journey to our union with God. The author, Attar, was a twelfth-century Persian poet from the great mystical tradition of Sufiism, which originated in the Middle East. He was a wise spiritual master as reflected in this magnificent work, widely regarded as a spiritual classic that has enlightened many a reader. Attar had a profound influence on the great poet Rumi, with both men now considered as the two great pillars of Sufi mystic teachings. After about one thousand years, this work remains an essential text for anyone seeking true wisdom.
ISBN 9781585094431 • 156 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95
Attributed to Rabbi Akiba,
Translations by: Rev. Dr. Isidor Kalisch and Knut Stenring
Two Versions, Explaining Jewish Mystical Philosophy and the Cabala
Considered to be the oldest known Jewish mystical text and now an important part of Cabalistic studies. First appeared in historical records during the first century C.E., but its principles were passed down for centuries before this.
Written from the perspective of an observer who describes the work of God’s creation step by step, as it unfolds. Having access to two separate translations in one volume is of immense importance. Often considered a meditative text, as presented in the first version by Kalisch, and also as a magical text, as found in the second version by Stenring. Kalisch provides original Hebrew on one page, with its English translation on the other.
ISBN 9781585092826 • 128 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95

Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: Enoch and the Origin of the World’s Oldest Texts
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
This important book covers traditions of the pyramid found in an extinct language and reveals an ancient body of teachings holding that Enoch was the architect of the Giza monuments before the Great Flood. Also covers: A secret body of obscure scriptures in the Bible that refer to the Great Pyramid, ancient knowledge that the Great Pyramid complex was long ago beneath the Mediterranean Sea, ancient Egyptian accounts of the discovery of the Great Pyramid, rather than it being built by them, with Egyptian-based memories of Abraham visiting & teaching at the Giza site. Also includes secret traditions regarding the Sphinx and why it appears older than the pyramids – but is not, and historical records showing that the Great Pyramid was built to preserve knowledge and survive through a planetary cataclysm.
ISBN 9781585091447 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95
Gog and Magog: The Giants in Guildhall
Author: F.W. Fairholt
Subtitle: Their Real and Legendary History, with an Account of Other Giants at Home and Abroad
Legends of giants go as far back in human history as we can remember. One of the areas steeped in this lore is England. The stories contained in this book had been passed down for centuries, up until the original publication of this book in 1859. Since that time these stories have disappeared. Therefore, we have chosen to preserve the legends in this book. These fascinating tales should cause one to wonder if giants had truly existed sometime in our remote past.
ISBN 1585090840 • 172 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16.95