Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Subtitle: : Survival After Death Scientifically Explained
Author: Arthur Findlay
Verifies the afterlife almost as well as going there. If you have ever wondered what will happen after death, then this is the book to get. Good for skeptics – presents the most compelling evidence ever found. Shows how fraud, trickery or coincidence could not possibly explain this evidence – leaving you with the reality of the phenomena.
The book opens with over 70 positive quotes and reviews from the English press, attesting to the author’s proof. This book may not prove conclusively that an after life exists because it cannot take you there and bring you back. Short of this, however, it makes the idea highly probable.
ISBN 9781585095469 • Size: 6×9 • 228 pages • Price: $34.95
Subtitle: What Are We to Do With Our Lives
Author: H. G. Wells
A guidebook on world management, which Wells believed should be orchestrated through what he called the “Open Conspiracy.” It is fully outlined here, designed to be run by separate groups working together, as opposed to being run independently. Is this required reading for the world’s most powerful people? Maybe it is. Or maybe it should be.
Wells was a visionary genius whose work should be paid attention to. Chapters include The Idea of the Open Conspiracy, We Have to Clear and Clean Up Our Minds, The Revolution in Education, Religion in the New World, What Mankind Has to Do, Modern Forces Antagonistic to the Open Conspiracy, The Resistances of the Less Industrialized Peoples to the Drive of the Open Conspiracy, The Open Conspiracy Begins as a Movement of Discussion, Development of the Activities of the Open Conspiracy, Human Life in the Coming World Community, more.
ISBN 9781585095698 • 160 pages • illustrated • Price: $29.95
The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race
Author: Albert Churchward
The depth of research goes beyond the realm of Freemasonry, so one does not need to be a Mason to appreciate it. The origin and evolution of the human race is also covered well. Particularly informative are the areas on the stellar, solar, and lunar cults, the “greater mysteries,” and the Egyptian god Horus. Has always been one of the most sought after and studied by those in the Masonic Lodge and others seeking important knowledge.
ISBN 9781585095711 • 240 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $34.95
The Paganism in Our Christianity ( Hardcover )
Author: Arthur Weigall
It took three centuries after the death of Jesus for Christianity to become an organized religion, at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this formative time it was difficult for Christianity to compete and survive with the many forms of paganism. In order to succeed and draw new converts into the fold, a number of pagan beliefs and ideas were incorporated into the Christian faith.
Today we do not recognize these pagan features, but the author asserts that they are there and points them out in this well researched book. He reveals how this paganism was brought in. Many long standing pagan festivals were incorporated and given significance – for example, Christianity had abolished the Hebrew Sabbath of Saturday so made Sunday their day of worship, partly because it was the day of the resurrection, but largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun for its main competing rival, Mithraism. Also, December 25th was the birthday of the sun-god, Mithra, so this date was brought in and called “Christmas,” with full knowledge that Jesus was not born on this day. These are facts.
Many more are covered such as the influence of pagan gods, the trinity, miraculous occurrences, the composition of the New Testament, the resurrection, the doctrine of atonement, and much more. The author believes Christianity should be what its name infers – based on the teachings of Christ, and not derived from other sources. This book should be read by every interested Christian or student of the history of religions.
ISBN 9781585095810 • 282 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $38.95
Pistis Sophia ( Hardcover )
Author: G.R.S. Mead
The Gnostics consisted of a number of early Christian mystical sects. Their teachers were persecuted and documents destroyed because the Church desired a uniform set of beliefs to operate under. Only now have we begun to better appreciate them. Pistis Sophia was the most important Gnostic document until the discovery of The Nag Hammadi Library. This work remains an important milestone in Gnostic research. It is the story of how we, as spiritual beings, have fallen into the world of physical creation. The soul is asleep here, bogged down in physical surroundings, unaware of its true nature. The purpose of this gospel is to awaken us, and aid in the process of spiritual freedom. Hard & soft cover versions.
ISBN 9781585092673 • 388 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • hardback • Price: $55.00

Author: Joseph Murphy
This is one of the most popular inspirational books of all time. By using very simple methods, it has helped thou- sands of people to realize goals and dreams that were previously unattainable. Real-life case studies are presented, assuring us that these things are possible if one applies the techniques. The subconscious mind can help create money, jobs, relationships, health, and overall happiness. Many of the exercises have been scientifically proven for their effectiveness. All that’s left is to try the techniques for oneself and to experience the power that is already within you. This is a life-changing classic. Find out why.
ISBN: 9781585095568 • 160 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $29.95