Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy ( Hardcover )

Author: Robert Hewitt Brown
Foreword: Jordan Maxwell
Reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times, found in what is termed stellar theology, and then carried over into modern religions. Few people have any knowledge of the occult or hidden connections between Judaism, Christianity and the Bible – with World Freemasonry. Brown, a Freemason, provides these important connections. Covers ancient astronomy and how it became incorporated into the various religions. Also explores the world’s early legends and symbols and how they were connected to ancient astronomical systems. These revealing facts form the basis for many of today’s religious concepts and belief systems.
ISBN 9781585095520 • 268 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $37.95
Stolen Legacy ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: How the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt was Transformed into Greek Philosophy
Author: George James
James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. He was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized a mistake was made by Western scholars. James found that philosophy began almost entirely in ancient Egypt, not with the Greeks, and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. He concluded there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians.
Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but medicine, architecture, politics and more. This book, one of the first to be banned from US colleges, is meant to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.
ISBN 9781585095865 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95
Symbols, Sex and the Stars ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun Worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic
Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs
Author: Ernest Busenbark
Preface by Jordan Maxwell who says, “This is a must read for those concerned about pagan influence on the modern day Church.”
Answers questions such as:
How did the concept of good and evil develop?
What is the true origin of Easter?
Why is sex such a powerful force in religion?
What religious symbols are really sexual messages?
How are the Great Pyramid and numerology connected?
How did Astrology really start?
Is there a connection between Jesus and Astrology?
Why was prostitution once an important part of religion?
ISBN 9781585095452 • 396 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • $42.95
The Talmud ( Hardcover )
Author: H. Polano
Foreword: Paul Tice
One of the most important holy books of the Hebrew religion and of the world. No English translation of the book existed until the author presented this condensed work. To this day, very little of the actual text seems available in English – although we find many interpretive commentaries on what it is supposed to mean. Has a reputation for being long and difficult to digest, but Polano has taken what he believed to be the best material and put it into extremely readable form. On par with The Koran, The Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible, in importance. This book allows many to experience The Talmud who may not otherwise have the chance.
ISBN 9781585095506 • 384 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $44.95
That Old-Time Religion ( Hardcover )
Authors: Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice and Alan Snow
Shows how many Christian beliefs could be far older than what we have suspected. Gives a complete run-down of the stellar, lunar, and solar evolution of our religious systems and contains new, exhaustive research on the gods and our beliefs. The book’s main theme centers on the work of Jordan Maxwell, widely known as one of the world’s foremost experts on mythological systems and their influence on ancient and modern religions. Includes an interview with Dr. Alan Snow, referred to by Sydney Ohmarr as the “world’s greatest authority on astrology and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” Paul Tice explains the importance of reverting to original teachings of our religious founders, including Jesus, before they had become corrupted by “organized religion.” Illustrated.
ISBN 9781585095155 • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $28.95
They Live in the Sky ( Hardcover )

Subtitle: Invisible Incredible UFOs Around Us
Author: Trevor James Constable
Constable’s first full-length book reissued, which reveals otherwise hidden creatures and objects traversing our skies that were exposed with his groundbreaking infrared photo techniques. Also covered is a series of telepathic communications the author had developed with what was claimed to be an extraterrestrial intelligence. He abandoned this line of research in future work because much of the information received could not be fully verified, and he felt that delving into it more deeply could affect his other work on important scientific levels.
Therefore, this book is entirely unique – mapping out a serious scientific pursuit of hidden beings and objects in our atmosphere with the experience of strange, telepathic communications. This book also references the work of the main UFO researchers of the time including Major Donald Keyhoe, George Adamski, Harold Wilkins and George Van Tassel. Includes 36 original photos by Constable, accompanied by a chapter devoted entirely to their study.
ISBN 9781585095766 • 306 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $39.95