Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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New Releases – Now Available
UFO Crash in Brazil ( Hardcover )
Author: Dr. Roger K. Leir
According to numerous eyewitnesses an unidentified flying object crashed near Varginha, Brazil on January 20, 1996, and at least two beings were reported to have survived. This was not a movie or a hoax. It was real.
Join Dr. Roger Leir in Brazil as he takes you through his entire investigative journey. If you think UFOs are not real or that only crazy people believe in aliens, think again. This could be the most important UFO event to ever occur, involving an entire town full of witnesses.
ISBN 9781585095742 • 152 pages • Price: $29.95
UFOs Do Not Exist ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: The Greatest Lie That Enveloped the World
Author: Roger Leir
Foreward: Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell
The Greatest Lie that Enveloped the World. UFOs do not exist are not the words of the author, but of government authorities. The evidence revealed here should once and for all expose this long-standing lie. Are alien beings capable of abducting humans and implanting objects into our bodies that we do not know about? The evidence is the implants themselves – tiny metallic objects of unusual composition, surgically removed from people who have claimed to have histories of alien abduction. Presented here is the most advanced research on the reality of alien implants, coming directly from eminent scientists.
The author, an actual doctor, had originally thought such implants were nothing more than a joke – until he found the evidence. Since doing so, Roger Leir has been the only person to share these otherworldly objects with both scientists and the general public. Thousands of suspected pieces of alien craft, soil samples and trace landing evidence have been tested, but none have revealed scientific proof indicating off-world origin. For the first time, revealed in this book, scientists have made legitimate off-world claims and proven it. Yes, that’s right, proven it, and the proof is found in this book (skeptics and debunkers take note).
This book also covers worldwide sightings, what they mean, and the latest findings surrounding the amazing 1996 Varginha, Brazil crash case, where the author traveled to investigate first-hand. Includes a Foreword by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, friend to Dr. Leir, who describes what it’s like to set foot on another celestial body, and shares opinions on intelligent life in the universe. This book takes the next step in the study of other life forms that may be visiting our earth and leaving evidence. From the Foreword, Edgar Mitchell says, “In spite of denials and serious efforts by many governments to deny, the evidence has continued to mount for alien presence and activities.
The learned and intelligent citizenry is becoming convinced that, indeed, our Earth is being visited by an advanced technological species.” This was Dr. Leir’s last book, who passed away just as it was released in 2014. It is his crowning achievement, because it does present the irrefutable evidence that he so earnestly sought.
ISBN 9781585095346 • 200 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $34.95
The Vedas ( Hardcover )

Translated: T. B. Griffith
Foreward: Paul Tice
This book is a detailed overview of The Vedas, the holy book of the Hindus. The most important Hymns are quoted in full; extracts are also included from the Brahmanas, the part of the Rig Veda that that guides the Brahmans, the highest class of priests, in Vedic ceremonies. This is one of the oldest and most important of the world’s holy books. It is primarily composed of hymns, poems, incantations and rituals from ancient India. Not only is this the “bible” of the Hindu religion, it also offers a unique snapshot of normal, everyday life in India as it occurred over four thousand years ago.
ISBN 9781585095216 • 168 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $29.95
The Vision of God ( Hardcover )
Author: Nicholas of Cusa
Nicholas was a Christian mystic who lived during the 1400s. This classic of Christian mysticism has put countless believers in touch with the divine. Many Christians have a desire to experience God, in addition to just believing in Him. An excellent guidebook for those who sense something deeper to the Christian experience. The author spent much time with a group of Benedictine monks who had asked for spiritual guidance.
He responded with this book in December of 1453. A rare classic brought back into print.
ISBN 9781585095032 • 160 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $26.95
Vril or Vital Magnetism ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea and Greece
Author: Vril
Introduction: Paul Tice.
Vril is another name for the life energy of the body, known in other cultures worldwide as mana, prana, chi, or vital force. Most of the ancient cultures of the world were aware of this important force and worked to make use of it.
In today’s world, especially in the West, we move along through life completely oblivious to this truly vital force. Although this force cannot be seen, it is the life force within our bodies. It takes energy from food and provides muscles with energy, which in turn allows us to move about in daily life as well as grow and metabolize. Nourishment, digestion, and elimination are all driven by the life force.
ISBN: 9781585095063 • 124 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $26.95
Subtitle: A Critical Study of the Christos – Messiah Tradition
Author: Alvin Boyd Kuhn
Reveals that much of Christianity did not originate in the Middle East. Shows how, where and why many Egyptian spiritual teachings were adopted into Christian form and accepted as “history.” Kuhn states, “The gospels are not and never were histories.
They are now proven to have been cryptic dramas of the spiritual evolution of humanity and of the history of the human soul in its earthly tabernacle of flesh.” For Christianity to be expressed in the way it was first intended, as experienced during the first two centuries of its existence, one must acknowledge its pagan roots.
The author reveals how things were altered in the third century by the existing Christian priesthood and why.
ISBN 9781585095803 • 512 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $54.95