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Perpetual Peace

Author: Immanuel Kant

Before we can eliminate war, we should know exactly what it is and why we engage in it. Kant does a brilliant job in revealing this, along with the actions we should take. Mankind has been at war with one another since the beginning of time and has continually experienced its heartache and devastation. The vicious pattern will continue until we find a way to satisfy ourselves without the “benefit” of drenching our hands in blood. This is the challenge addressed in this work. It could contribute much toward peace if those with the ability to effect change should listen and act upon his ideas. Legislation is proposed within this book, including articles of law, for the world to consider.

Billions are spent on war every day, so this book is meant for world leaders and those working for peace.

ISBN 9781585093199 • 80 pages • Price: $10.95