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Author: Hilton Hotema
Parts 1 and 2 Together
This is an overview of the world’s most important ancient knowledge. It begins with a brief summary of our knowledge within all of the major scientific fields, then explains why this great knowledge falls short. The author brings us to a new level by explaining how a pre-existent, spiritual structure exists as a foundation for science, how it works, and how it was once taught in the ancient world.
He also reveals how the Western World lost the wisdom of the ancients and how Christianity was born, with both of these events being connected. It reveals how the priesthood of Rome created a New Religion in the 4th century, which became Christianity as we know it today. The author claims that this religion is based largely on legends of gods from India, Egypt, Greece, and Asia Minor, with much of the ancient knowledge having been intentionally destroyed or assimilated into the Bible itself.
According to Hotema, the story of Jesus is based on the work of a Greek historian named Damis. Damis was educated by his master Apollonius, who had preserved and taught a great deal of the ancient knowledge.
This book clearly explains the lost wisdom of the ancients while showing us where to look for it today.
ISBN 9781585093991 • 92 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $11.95