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Author: Thornton W. Burgess
This is the story of Peter Rabbit and his adventures in the Green Forest. It includes the famous pictures by Harrison Cady, and large type to make it easy for children to read. Early in this story, Peter Rabbit changed his name to Peter Cottontail, but he soon decided to keep his real name after all. Peter helps to teach us how he and the forest animals live.
We are introduced to many of his friends–and his enemies. Reddy Fox and Shadow the Weasel are always hungry for rabbits and try to eat Peter Rabbit, but Peter has learned how to outsmart the sly fox and trick the weasel. Peter’s friends include Jimmy Skunk, Happy Jack Squirrel, Prickly Porky the Porcupine, Billy Possum, Jerry Muskrat, and Johnny Chuck the Woodchuck. We are shown how the animals in the forest live, and how they help each other find food, stay safe, and get away from the animals that try to eat them. Many of the animals work together in different ways, just like we find in nature. This story lets children learn directly from the forest creatures, who are allowed to talk and tell us their stories. This is a wonderful, classic book that all children should experience.
ISBN 9781585093786 • 192 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $15.95