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Author: Farid ud- Din Attar
Many profound lessons are found within these beautiful allegorical stories about birds that are searching for the meaning of their existence. We are those same birds, seeking our place among each other in this world, while on the path of our soul’s journey to our union with God. The author, Attar, was a twelfth-century Persian poet from the great mystical tradition of Sufiism, which originated in the Middle East. He was a wise spiritual master as reflected in this magnificent work, widely regarded as a spiritual classic that has enlightened many a reader. Attar had a profound influence on the great poet Rumi, with both men now considered as the two great pillars of Sufi mystic teachings. After about one thousand years, this work remains an essential text for anyone seeking true wisdom.
ISBN 9781585094431 • 156 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95