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The Flying Saucers are Real

Author: Donald Keyhoe

Was the first indepth, authoritative look at the flying saucer phenomenon and is considered to this day to be one of the best books on the subject ever written.

Extremely well researched with facts that were documented, containing none of the disinformation and hype that has crept into the field over time. The author was a retired Marine Corps Major who became an aviation writer, and was therefore perfect for the job of researching and writing this book.

Using his own knowledge and information from friends in the military, he came to the conclusion that UFOs originate from outer space and the U.S. military was engaged in a cover-up.

Includes documented cases with credible witnesses. Much is shown on how and why secrecy was enforced.

ISBN 9781585092642 • 156 pages • Price: $15.95