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Forgotten Books Eden

Subtitle: Lost Books of the Old Testament

Author: Rutherford H. Platt

Contains twenty ancient books excluded from the Old Testament. Some were later preserved by the Christian Church as Apocryphal writings, often inserted between the Old and New Testaments. They were originally recognized by the Jews as Pseudepigrapha because they were attributed to people long since passed who did not write them, in an effort to give them sanctity. These are reproduced here. Some titles include

The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve, The Secrets of Enoch, The Psalms of Solomon, The Odes of Solomon, The Story of Ahikar, and The Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs. Adds another interesting dimension to lost Biblical texts.

ISBN 9781585092703 • 280 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95