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God Kings of Europe

Subtitle: The Descendants of Jesus Traced Through the Odonic and Davidic Dynasties

Author: Dr.  Hugh Montgomery

After many years of research and with the help of scholars from around the world, Professor Hugh Montgomery has released a book that is clearly one of the most scholarly examinations of the heritage of European rulers to date. The implications of this work are enormous as they involve a lineage traced back to Odin, once believed to be a Norse god, whose lineage then merged with the bloodline of Jesus Christ himself.

Those who have dismissed the idea of a lineage from Jesus have given credence to popular fiction and what many would consider flawed research, as until now, that is all that has been commercially available. This is a subject whose time has come, with a well-researched book that goes far beyond mere speculation. This work fills in many holes that existed previously in this subject area and brings all the relevant pieces together in one place for the first time. It is a must read for all those interested in the truths behind “The Da Vinci Code” and in the way Europe has been ruled for centuries.

ISBN 9781585091096 • 180 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95

Also available in Hardcover