God-Kings of Outremer

Author: Hugh Montgomery

Book Three of the God-Kings trilogy. At the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. the actual genealogy of the family of Jesus was presented so the Council could decide on how Jesus should be presented from within the Church. His human side was rejected and from that day forth, the accurate genealogy of Jesus has been covered up. Until now.

This book continues the research into the descendants of Jesus, bringing us to the time following the First Crusade. After its success, a number of Crusader states were set up in and around the Kingdom of Jerusalem, an area ruled by the claimed descendants of Jesus. This work follows genuine and proven sources, sometimes using historical documents (reproduced in this book) that no one else has access to. Dr. Montgomery’s work, above all others, gives the claim for Jesus having descendants more credibility than found in all other sources. His work continues to be discovered by those interested in provable research and new documents regarding a bloodline from Jesus. When their power waned in Outremer the descendants returned to Europe, where they survive to this very day.

ISBN 9781585095315 • 192 pages • Price: $32.95