The God-Kings of the Vikings

Author: Hugh Montgomery

Expanded and updated Book Two of the God-Kings trilogy (originally titled The God-Kings of England), which traces the descendants of Jesus down through the ages.

Other books purport to do this with great fanfare, however this trilogy quietly goes about it in an academic style, often based on rare supporting documents that in some cases no other researchers have had access to. This includes the results of important DNA studies. In this volume we pick up the trail of direct descendants with Maria of the Elchasaites. She married the King of the Visigoths, Ataulf, which started the great Viking Ulvungar dynasty. A detailed history of these families follows, covering the years 850 to 1086 C.E. Details important historical events relating to this bloodline, including the conquest of England herself. Includes accurate, carefully researched genealogies and DNA related evidence supportive to the thesis.

More direct reference to Jesus was in Volume One, but a bigger picture is at work here that, once grasped, reveals a new understanding of world events. If you thought the idea of of a “bloodline from Jesus” was improbable, then you need to look again, very closely, at the entire God-Kings trilogy.

ISBN 9781585095322 • 176 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95