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Author: Rudolf Otto
Translation: John W Harvey
This book is considered a classic in the field of religious philosophy. Its timeless message explores the idea of what we mean by what is holy and what is God. It was Otto who coined the term “numinous” in this book by attempting to define the first-hand experience of our deepest, non-rational moments of awe in the presence of God. When one has a direct confrontation with transcendent powers, it creates a starting point for the numinous experience. Otto presents all of the different ways in which one may experience the numinous.
The book is primarily grounded in philosophy and Christian theology, but presents the same general framework in other religions, as well. Many consider this work to be challenging, primarily because it succeeds in defining something that is beyond words. For this, the world is grateful–and has therefore made Otto’s book accessible throughout the years to those who hunger for its powerful and mysterious message.
ISBN 9781585093793 • 256 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $18.95