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Kabbalah Philosophy

Author: Adolphe Franck

First published in French in 1843, this well-known classic is the first book that made the Kabbalah understandable and remains an essential reference today. The positive importance of the Kabbalah is explained, showing that no other doctrine in the history of philosophy or religion gives man a higher rank. It shows how we are in the image of God and are the divine presence on Earth. It explains the origin of man, his future destiny, and his relation to the Divine Being.

The author also presents information on the history of Kabbalah, covering similarities with the Alexandrians, Gnostics, Platonists, Neoplatonists, Philo, and Christianity—but traces the strongest philosophical concepts back to the ancient Zoroastrians. Includes chapters on the Sepher Yetzirah and the Zohar, the two most definitive works on the Kabbalah, and traces them back many centuries before their first known publication. This book is essential for every serious student or practitioner of the Kabbalah.

ISBN 9781585093885 • 226 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95