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Author: Eliphas Levi and Aleister Crowley
In the introduction Aleister Crowley, who translated the book, called it the masterpiece of Levi. Eliphas Levi, reveals how to use the most hidden of occult secrets to reach the highest order of the human mind. He shows that the key to the world’s mysteries resides on a higher plane that can only be accessed by reconciling the contradictions found in the dualism of reality. This book explores the absolute knowledge of good and evil, why alchemy is the daughter of the Qabalah, secrets of life and death, the astral world, and the deeper mysteries of religion, including the Christian Cross. It also covers Spiritualism, the Tarot, mesmerism, mediumship, magnetic powers, and various forms of magic that may be used to invoke either angels or demons. Levi was legendary and this book shows why.
ISBN 9781585093762 • 214 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95