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Subtitle: An In-Depth Interpretation of the Tarot and Other Ancient Mysteries
Author: Hilton Hotema
This book includes an in-depth interpretation of the Tarot, based on the ancient philosophy.
This ancient teaching symbolized cosmic phenomena, which was presented to the neophyte in the sacred drama of 26 initiation in the Ancient Mystery schools.
These schools were long considered to be the most important of the ancient world, until much of their teachings were destroyed by new religions of the time. Anyone interested in inaccurately interpreting the cards will find a wealth of information within these pages. Evidence presented shows that the Tarot was in possession of the men who made the Bible. They knew the original Tarot symbolism, and then destroyed the cards so completely that no trace of them was found for another one thousand years.
Evidence is presented of pagan roots found in Christianity throughout the book, which is quite surprising and worthy of investigation. In addition to covering the Tarot, the author shares ancient knowledge passed down relating to the greatest mysteries of existence, including reincarnation, resurrection, and eternal life.
ISBN 9781585094011 • Size: 8.5×11 • 182 pages • Price: $24.95