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Subtitle: A Handbook of American Indian Heritage
Author: William Marder
This is a pocketsized reference to the great heritage and culture of American Indians. Despite decades of poor treatment, many tribes and leaders have remained strong. It is in this spirit that this book was created. It is now time to remind us all – red, white, yellow, black or brown – of the things that American Indians should be proud of.
Includes important historical events, sacred and cultural practices, quotes from respected leaders past and present, and a detailed time-line involving modern activists. Issues that continue to threaten American Indian culture are addressed, along with potential answers. Includes sections on books and films that have been favorable to American Indians, an excellent photo section, and a list of American Indian rights organizations. Highly recommended.
ISBN 9781585091508 • 144 pages • Size: 5×7 • Price: $14.95