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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: Enoch and the Origin of the World’s Oldest Texts
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
This important book covers traditions of the pyramid found in an extinct language and reveals an ancient body of teachings holding that Enoch was the architect of the Giza monuments before the Great Flood. Also covers: A secret body of obscure scriptures in the Bible that refer to the Great Pyramid, ancient knowledge that the Great Pyramid complex was long ago beneath the Mediterranean Sea, ancient Egyptian accounts of the discovery of the Great Pyramid, rather than it being built by them, with Egyptian-based memories of Abraham visiting & teaching at the Giza site. Also includes secret traditions regarding the Sphinx and why it appears older than the pyramids – but is not, and historical records showing that the Great Pyramid was built to preserve knowledge and survive through a planetary cataclysm.
ISBN 9781585091447 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95