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Subtitle: What Are We to Do With Our Lives

Author: H. G. Wells

A guidebook on world management, which Wells believed should be orchestrated through what he called the “Open Conspiracy.” It is fully outlined here, designed to be run by separate groups working together, as opposed to being run independently. Is this required reading for the world’s most powerful people? Maybe it is. Or maybe it should be.

Wells was a visionary genius whose work should be paid attention to. Chapters include The Idea of the Open Conspiracy, We Have to Clear and Clean Up Our Minds, The Revolution in Education, Religion in the New World, What Mankind Has to Do, Modern Forces Antagonistic to the Open Conspiracy, The Resistances of the Less Industrialized Peoples to the Drive of the Open Conspiracy, The Open Conspiracy Begins as a Movement of Discussion, Development of the Activities of the Open Conspiracy, Human Life in the Coming World Community, more.

ISBN 9781585092758 • 160 pages • illustrated • Price: $14.95

Also Available in Hardcover