Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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The Secret Science Behind Miracles

Subtitle: Unveiling the Huna Tradition of the Ancient Polynesians

Author: Max Freedom Long

Presents proof of the power of Huna magic. It reveals how the kahunas of Hawaii were able to reverse bad situations, see into the future, per- form authentic miracles of healing, and perform other incredible things using this system of spiritual knowledge. It covers the vital force, or pranic energy, found in the human body and demonstrates how to use it. It also covers our three separate selves – the higher self, the middle self, and the low self, and how aligning them can bring us into balance and create a more powerful life. Also covers thought forms, telepathy, mind reading, psychometry, crystal gazing, psychic dreams, premonitions, healing powers, and more. Highly recommended.

ISBN 9781585093687 • 238 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95