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Author: Hilton Hotema
Reveals the higher science needed to understand the soul. The first half of this book covers how the physical world works through standard Earth Science. The author then moves into the higher science, covering how it works and offers proof for the human soul. As a result, a more complete understanding of the “soul’s secret” can be reached. This higher science was taught by the Ancient Astrologers, up until the fourth century AD. At this time, the Roman Church killed many of these teachers and destroyed their work, plunging the world into the Dark Ages, which lasted for a thousand years. Many of these teachings were incorporated by the Church, but were camouflaged into their texts. As a result, the original teachings lost their power and could only be understood cryptically or symbolically, if at all.
The author shows how the books and dogma of modern religions have replaced the deeper wisdom previously attained through actual spiritual experience. Reveals proof of the human soul, the survival of bodily death, and the hidden power we have within us.
ISBN 9781585093977 • 88 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $11.95